There are SO many different brands of bags and accessories out there. If you’re like me, you can easily get overwhelmed reading reviews and wondering which ones you should purchase and which ones you should stay clear of. I’m here to share with you one of my all time favorites, Stanley Street Shop has some pretty great finds – everything from weekender bags to everyday bags, wallets, clutches, and crossbody’s.

Here are 12 must haves from Stanley Street Shop.
(oh, and if you use the code Meghan15 at checkout, you’ll receive 15% off your order)

Have you heard about the Stanley Misfits? These are bags that are absolutely stunning but have very small imperfections making it where they can’t sell them at regular price. So you the customer, get a deal on these gorgeous bags that have very little imperfections to them. You can read more about how Misfits work HERE.
Don’t forget, use the code Meghan15 when you place your order for 15% off. Which bags are your favorite?
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