It’s a struggle for some. But it doesn’t have to be. Traveling with kids CAN be fun. I promise. I know lots of families who don’t travel because they think its more effort than it’s worth. While that may be the case sometimes, not always. Even if it is alot of effort on the parents, you’re creating lots of memories for your kids. Make a point to make that yearly family vacation. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, but a yearly trip creates lots of family memories.
We love traveling. Love it. Yes, it can be stressful sometimes when you travel with kids, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are my top 3 tips for traveling with kiddos.
1. Travel with friends. Traveling with another family can make it more fun for everyone. The kids will keep eachother company and the adults can have fun too.
2. Try to keep some semblance of your troutine. We know it’s not going to be a normal routine when you travel, but the more you keep them on schedule, the happier everyone will be.
3. Don’t move around alot. We’ve found the more you move hotels or resorts or even towns, the more restless of nights our kids have. They end up not sleeping well and everyone is tired and grouchy. Stay put as much as you can when it comes to changing beds and locations.
I cannot express the importance of family travel. It builds stronger relationships and lots of memories.
I’d love to hear from you: What is your favorite place you’ve visited with your family?

Meghan, These are great tips. I hope we are able to travel some this year – maybe even meet in the middle and have some fun with your family.
Would love to see you all soon! That is a must, Rebecca!
Two things we have found helpful on beach travel with a baby/toddler:
Bring an inflatable baby pool. Fill it up with water from ocean and toys, or use it dry for a great place to nap under your beach canopy.
Must have baby powder: you sprinkle it on any sandy body parts and the sand dusts off easily.