Did you hear? Teach Them Diligently has announced their locations for the 2013 conventions. Is there one near you?
May 2-4, 2013: Spartenburg, SC
May 16-18, 2013: Nashville, TN
May 30 – June 1, 2013: Omaha, NE
Teach Them Diligently Convention started in 2012. The idea of this homeschool convention is based on the scripture, Deuteronomy 6:4-7.
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. ~Deuteronomy 6:4-7
I’ve worked for Teach Them Diligently and can honestly say this is an amazing group! I was SO excited to hear they were bringing a convention to Nashville. Where will it be? Gaylord Opryland Hotel. If you haven’t been there before, you’re in for a treat. The Opryland Hotel is one of my favorite attractions in Nashville! They always have lots of events going on there at the hotel. Whether you’re coming just for the convention or checking out the Nashville scene, Gaylord Opryland is your place to stay!
Some of the speakers that will be at the Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention in Nashville, TN are: Pam Tebow {Tim Tebow’s mother}, Ken Ham, Heidi St. John, Debra Bell, and many others! I will be there and cannot wait for you to be as well!
And just because I love Teach Them Diligently so much, I’m giving away a family registration to one of you. This is for you to hear the keynote speakers, breakout sessions, vendor hall, and to experience the Opryland Hotel. If your kids are participating in the Kids programs, that is extra. It does not include the Kid or Teen programing.
If you are a Christian Homeschool Family in the Nashville, Tennessee area, this is the homeschool convention you want to attend. The Nashville Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention is an experience that you do not want to miss, and it is built for the entire family! -Teach Them Diligently website-

I live just outside of Nashville. 🙂 I would LOVE to go!! We will be entering into 2nd grade next year, I feel I could use some inspiration and much needed guidance. 😉
Everything!! Oh and I’m from Baltimore. Would LOVE to see/hear Ken Ham and Sally Clarkson! I just want to soak up their wisdom!
I’m from B’ham, AL and I’m most excited about the chance to hear Sally Clarkson speak!!!
I’m from New Orleans, LA & I would love to hear Sally Clarkson. 🙂
Meg- So glad you posted about this convention. I’ve been eyeing it, and your thumbs up is reassuring. 🙂 SC or TN….decisions, decisions!
I live in Knoxville and would LOVE to go! I am most looking forward to hearing Sally Clarkson and Voddie Baucham!
I am from WV and would so love to hear Sally Clarkson, Voddie Bacham and Ken Ham! We met Ken last year and would love to say hello again. Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m from Greenville, SC. The most exciting thing is having the convention at the Opryland Hotel!!! I love that place and have been trying to come up with a reason to my husband as to why we should go there! 😉 This would be a perfect gift and so much fun!!! Thanks for the chance!
I am looking mostly forward to the incredible speakers and the special needs homeschooling track!
I would love to attend and haven’t decided if it will be TN or SC this contest may help me decide!!
Looking forward to the event!
I live in Alabama. I look forward to everything!!!!
I would LOVE to go to Nashville! I would especially like to hear Sally Clarkson and meet Crystal Paine from Money Saving Mom 🙂
We are from WV and I look forward to the encouragement.
I live in Arkansas. I am looking forward to hearing some great speakers, to encourage me in continuing to homeschool.
We live in Nashville, and would look forward to ALL of it!! 🙂 The meeting new faces, encouragement, learning, YES it all sounds wonderful to me : )
We just moved to Nashville! Thanks for the opportunity!
I love in Maryland & I would LOVE to go to this conference. My sister in law and I have been trying to figure out what conference we should go to this year and would love to be able to make it to this one! I would love to get connected to other homeschool families and listen and learn from those who have been in the “trenches” a while.
I live in SC and would love to win!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway, Meghan! I cant wait for the conference!
I am starting the homeschool journey beginning this next school year with a 3rd grader and 7th grader…I feel its over my head so I am looking fwd to wisdom, encouragement and guidance in all ways! We are very excited and nervous at the same time!! Thank you for this opportunity!
Btw…I am from Missouri.