The Joy Dare continues for me.
I look around and see so much that God has placed right in front of me. But when I’m caught up in everyday life, I dont stop enough to really see these things. That’s why this Joy Dare is a blessing.
“I’ll stand, With arms high and heart abandoned. In awe, of the one who gave it all. I’ll stand, my soul Lord to you surrendered, all I am is yours.” -Hillsong-
I’m counting my blessings one by one, all the way to one thousand with Ann.
Won’t you join in?
47… whistling of the tea pot
48… conversation around the table
49… the joy of washing dishes
50… a hug from a friend
51… new friendships
52… his timing
53… gift of time
54… amazing grace
55… hand written notes from my husband
56… hymns
57… deer wondering around on our property
58… hands raise in worship
What are you thankful for this week?

YES – washing those dishes – sharing the bubbles with our babes and laughing in the midst of it! LOVE your list Meghan!