“But when thanks to God becomes a habit – so joy in God becomes your life” – Ann Voskamp
I’ve started this “dare” before and was half way through blogging about it and “life” happened. Now, it’s time to recommit. Time to buckle down and continue finding the gifts God’s given me. What if we turned every “ugly” in our life into something beautiful?
I love what Ann says in her devotional book –
“bedsheets painted with highlighter? … children live here!
dead rose left too long in vase? … lingering memories of a brother’s gift.
laundry baskets overflowing in the mudroom? …we had a full, rich weekend!
a pile of tossed shoes on a shelf in the garage? … worn days of a good summer.”
WOW! That hit me like a ton of bricks. What if I looked at all my “uglies” in life as something beautiful – I wonder what would happen?
I’m taking that dare on again this week and my first goal is finding 1,000 gifts. Then? 2,000 gifts. The Joy Dare is something anyone can begin at anytime {or re-begin, like I’m doing}. I’d love for you to join in with me. Head over to A Holy Experience and link up your post with Ann. You’ll love it – It’s going to be an unbelievable journey.
1… laughing with dear friends about sweet memories
2… communion
3… going through old pictures of times with my dad
4…pumpkin pie
5… crisp apples
6… enjoying Starbucks – alone
7… time with my mom in the hospital
8… gathering firewood for winter
9… wedding ring
11… sons with cowlick hair
12… dinner with super hero’s
13… holding hands during prayer at dinner
14… tucking children in bed
15… a kiss goodnight

I love how specific your gratitudes are. The generalities are always sort of hard for me to picture. I haven’t thought in a long time, maybe ever, how nice it is to hold hands while we pray. Thanks.
Bethany –
I’m so glad you stopped by! This 1,000 Gifts is such a great tool – I even have my boys starting their own Gratitude Journals. Looking forward to hearing from you more!
Love your list and the fall picture with the leaves on the step!!!
Thanks so much! Fall at our house is my favorite place to be!
Meghan, thanks for visiting my blog, Sweet Blessings. 🙂
Your list is beautiful. I am learning to praise God for the everyday mundane. Like dishes in the sink = we have food. High gas bill = we have heat in our home. God blesses us and we need to thank Him.
You’re right – God blesses us in all ways. Hate that sometimes we overlook it. Trying to be more intentional about that this year. Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Meghan,
Nice to meet you. I’m hopping over from Ann’s link up, and counting gifts with you. I too just started re-reading my One Thousand Gifts book, and picking up my list again in a more organized manner. I wantt o gather them all in one spot again and keep the notebook on my counter again to keep daily, moment by nmoment track of the gifts. It’s too easy to fall into a “default of discontent instead of doxology” as Ann would say, huh?
Have a great week,
Jennifer Dougan
I have my notebook out on the counter as well. Blessings!
Hi Meghan,
I am here from Mulitudes on Monday link up. I did what I try never to do, that being put my own link up without reading anyone else’s. Two days later, I finally had the time, and loved yours. I stopped and started so many times with this whole listing thing, because it feels kinda silly sometimes ya know? I would stop, but then every time I would notice all those old habits slipping back into my days, my thoughts, and most of all my tongue. “Habits” being nice code word for sins. Wise Ann is right, the act of “Eucharisteo” is Holy work, with Holy Blessings. Its hard to explain to other people, even understand myself. It just it. So keep it up, keep it up!
I appreciate your listing of Starbucks and mentioning of Target!