Ever wondered how you could add a box on your website where people can “like” your Facebook page directly from your website? Here is an easy tutorial to help you get that set up.
photo credit: Sean MacEntee
1. Go to your Page on Facebook.
2. Then click on “edit page” on the left under your pages profile picture.
3. Once you’ve clicked on that, on the right column, you’ll see “Promote with a ‘Like’ Box. Click that.
4. Once that is clicked in the first box, put in your ID number from your group/page. (You’ll find this by looking in your browser bar and seeing it at the end of your Facebook page address.
5. You can customize it and make it as big or as small as you’d like. There are some other features there you can make it your own with customizing.
6. Then click “get code”. You’ll want to grab the code and copy it. (the iframe code)
7. Once you have copied it, place it where you’d like it in your blog. (you’ll have to create an html widget for this if using it on your blog).
Do you have to paste this code into each post?