This is my 2nd award this week. WOW! You guys are so awesome. It’s all because of you!
I received this award from my good friend Alicia. Make sure you go check out her blog!
The following 10 bloggers have made a huge impact on me in the past month or so. Its a blessing to call them friends and I’ve learned so much from them. I hope you are blessed as much as I have been by them.
3. The Reese Family Chronicles
The award comes with questions you need to answer when you pay it forward. Here are your questions:
1. What is your favorite thing about summer? swimming and the beach
2. What is your favorite color? pink
3. What is your favorite part of blogging? connecting with others who have similar interests
4. What is the first thing you do every day? quiet time w/ the Lord
5. What is the last thing you do every day? pray
6. What is your favorite day of the year? Christmas
7. What is one free activity you enjoy doing with your family? Letting my sons run through the fountains
8. What is one thing you can’t live without? family
9. What is your favorite meal? anything mexican
10. What is your favorite children’s book? God Gave Us You
Thank-you, thank-you!! I'm blessed to have made a new friend! 🙂
Thanks so much Meghan! It has been a joy getting to know you and to find out that we worship under the same leadership! So cool.
Thanks for including me!
Our girls love to play in fountains, too! And, even though I've had dinner, some Mexican sounds really good!
Wow! What a SWEET award and what a JOY for me to receive since my heart's desire is that SomeGirl'sWebsite would make a difference in the lives of those who read it! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am blessed to know you, too!! ♥ Michelle