Why is it so hard to Be Still?
Why do we think we have the right to govern what is best for us and not take it to the one who gave us life?
Why do we get so caught up in ourselves and not feel the need to ask God for help? For a clear view on what he wants…
I always remind myself to drop everything and be still. Listen to what He wants. Listen to what He calls. Even in the smallest of things, we all forget to stop and listen sometimes. Stop worrying about our issues and what is going on down here, and listen to what he is instructing us. My ever so amazing husband has shown me exactly what that is. To rely on God. To listen to him and “Be Still”.
How do you be still?
Drop everything and go to the Word.
Go outside or somewhere that you feel close to God and marvel at his greatness.
Drop to your knees in prayer. Right in the middle of your day.
Psalm 46:10 – “Be still and know that I am God.”
How are you being still before the Lord this week?
Great reminder, to be still in the One who IS. I often am best being still by getting outside and going on a walk, or a drive w/out the radio. Have a great day Meghan!
Nicole, I hope your weekend has been great! Yes, the One who Is and Is to come deserves me being still. So many times I forget that. Thank you for your sweet comment.