Happy Tuesday everyone! Today we're giving away a great resource for homeschoolers that teach Bible...♫ God's Words from A to Z ♫Your kids will love all 26 songs on this lively CD from PhilipMusic.com! Each song contains a Bible verse that corresponds with a letter of the alphabet and is a perfect addition to any Bible curriculum.To read a complete review of this CD, or to listen to music samples click HERE PhilipMusic.com will award 1 CD to 1 lucky winner today.How do you win? With each ...
Creation Station: Day One
This week we are learning about Creation. To give this "unit" a snappy name, we're going to title this series of posts, "Creation Station".I am so excited to expand my 4 year old's thinking about creation. There are lots of ways you could teach about creation, but I wanted to keep it simple.First, we read this easy to read bible story about creation. I love how easy to read it is and how well my 4 year old comprehended it.Next, we talked about what God created on Day One. I made posterboard ...
We Have A Winner…
The winner of the Seeds Family Worship CD Pack is....SARAH!!!! srkravetz at gmail dot comCongrats! I will be in touch with you shortly via email about you can pick up your prize!Thanks to all who entered - we'll have another great giveaway next Wednesday. See ya then! ...
Our First Week
We are coming to a close on our first "official" week of school here! And it's been a blast! I'm very excited about what this school year will bring our way. My little man is loving every minute of learning and doing fun activities together. Here is a run down from our week.1. We re-read the "Charlie & Trike in the Grand Canyon Adventure" and talked about rocks, the flood, Noah, and how we must always obey God, even when others dont believe what we think to be true. God is the ultimate ...
Review: The Complete Zoo Adventure & Twitter Party News!
<a href="http://www.meghantucker.com/2010/09/review-complete-zoo-adventure-twitter.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://api.ning.com/files/KUIAY*fJCVQ0B9xGZiwMP12aqkfg4fWS-eLDJzef8WbgBmPAh*U7BhcS4LRnhfdysvqUMsbvvs8r**WlOhbG0OqyP2PQjPKU/TwitterParty_NewLeaf_Sept10.jpg" border="0" alt="Twitter Party" /></a></center><center>Have you heard of me talk about New Leaf Publishing Group? The answer is probably yes! They are one of my favorite publishers! Their products and ...
Win It Wednesday: Seeds Family Worship
Today we have a giveaway with Seeds Family Worship! This giveaway will be live from 9/8/10 at midnight CST until 9/9/10 at 9pm CST. A winner will be chosen and announced after 9pm CST. One lucky winner will win a set (5 CD's) from Seeds Family Worship. Yep, all 5 worship CD's will be headed your way! A little bit about Seeds Family Worship: Seeds Family Worship grew out of songwriter Jason Houser's first hand experience seeing good music help families connect to ...
And The Veggie Tales LIVE Winner Is…..
Megan! Congrats on your win!I'll be emailing you in a bit with how you can pick up your tickets. How exciting!!! Have fun at the show! ...
Hip Homeschool Hop 9/7/10
Welcome Homeschoolers!We have another fun giveaway for you today with Nashville artist, Laura Kelly ofPitter Patter ArtLaura will award one of her cute custom key fobs to 2 LUCKY winners!Our 2 winners will get a custom key fob of their choice. They can pick their fabric from Laura's amazing fabric inventory HEREANDThey can also choose if they want any other custom details like a small applique and/or text strip added to their custom fob like the super cute ...