What is sharpening? It is simply enhancing the edges of an image. Look at the examples below.Image that hasn't had any edited or sharpening.An image that has had editing/sharpening.Alot of people upload or print the pictures exactly how they were on their camera without editing or sharpening their images. ...
We have a winner!!!!!
Brooke said...72follow you on fbinkstainsandfingerprints (at) gmail (dot) comCONGRATS BROOKE! ...
The Home Engineer: The Ultimate Guide To Selling On Ebay Part II
(continued from last week).4. Listing Your ItemHow do I list my items?First, look over your clothing/items. I wash and iron most of the items I buy. Buyers want to see the clothes looking their nicest so make the items look how you would want to see them in a picture if you were the buyer.Now, Photography; Use sharp backgrounds! I have a large piece of white, no wrinkling fabric and one in black. Polyester works great! I photograph ...
It’s Here, It’s Here!
The Homeschool Chick and The Tuckers Take Tennessee are coming together to host a new, "Hip Homeschool Hop". That's right folks, starting August 3rd, a new bloghop will be starting!<a href="http://www.meghantucker.com/" target="_blank"><img alt="Photobucket" src="http://i816.photobucket.com/albums/zz84/SueQGal/Friends/HipMom150.png" /></a><br /><a href="http://www.meghantucker.com/" target="_blank"><img alt="Photobucket" ...
Social Saturday: Guest Blogger AsThePotter
Life in the Middle KingdomFrom our trip this winter to the Great Wall. So beautiful!Though we had planned to work overseas before we were even married, when my husband suggested moving to China, my first reaction was not a pretty one. “If I die and never step foot on the entire Asian continent, I will be more than happy” were pretty much the first words out of my mouth after his suggestion. Whoa…where did that reaction come from? Even I was shocked at how caustic my reply ...
We Have A Winner…..
Tori said... 9 I follow you on twitter - mommatori82vrtheriot@gmail.comCONGRATS TORI! ...
Another Award? Wow!
This is my 2nd award this week. WOW! You guys are so awesome. It's all because of you!I received this award from my good friend Alicia. Make sure you go check out her blog!The following 10 bloggers have made a huge impact on me in the past month or so. Its a blessing to call them friends and I've learned so much from them. I hope you are blessed as much as I have been by them. 1. SomeGirl'sWebsite2. Really, Are You Serious?3. The Reese Family Chronicles4. Girlfriends Get Real5. Our ...
Summer Family Fun Tuesdays
I found this new bloghop today and I'm so excited to join!Some of the fun things we've been doing this summer are shown below in pictures. Take a look.Exploring OutsideVisiting the BiltmorePlaying in the pool!Making crafts at VBSToy Story 3 - 3D ...