Join in the fun at My 3 Boybarians This picture was taken yesterday of my 4 year old. I think I'm going to use this for his 4 year old picture because it definitely describes him and this stage he is in. ...
Another Award…THANKS!
Thank you to Mommy & Son for this great award!The Rules:1. Thank the person who gave you this award.2. Share 7 things about yourself.3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.7 Things About Myself:1. I love to play the piano.2. I love blogging3. My friends & family are the best!4. I love to travel5. Favorite drinks are: diet coke and sweet tea6. I dont go ...
Nashville Flood Tee Shirts Are On Sale, NOW!
Make sure to get one! Wait, make sure to get multiples! The more you buy, the more you help with the relief for the flood victims of Middle TN. Check out Nashville Flood.$20 per shirt or $15 per shirt if you buy 5 or more! And they are SUPER cute! Also, join their Facebook group hereFind out more info on twitter @nashvilleflood @WeAreNashville @donateNashville @nashvillest @ ...
And Our Winner Is…..
Congrats to Sarah!!!!Sarah said...3I'm a fan of Tuckers Take Tennessee on facebookSarahprairiestormdesigns AT gmail DOT com ...
Post It Note Tuesday: 5/3/10
Link me up with your Post It Note Tuesday posts! ...
Marketing MondayMommy & Me MondayHosted by KrystynMingle MondayMommy & Me Monday Hip Homeschool HopShutter Love TuesdayPost It Note TuesdayTuesday Train Tuesday Tag AlongSweet Shot TuesdayFollow Me Back TuesdayTop 10 TuesdaysiFellowship WednesdaysTwitter Hop ThursdaysOn The Grill ThursdayFriday Blog HopFeed Me Books FridayNew Friend FridaySocial Parade Friday ...
Wordless Wednesday: P365 From Days 113-119
The Home Engineer: The Household Notebook
Part of the job description of being The Home Engineer is to keep the household and family running smoothly. How do you do this? What are your tips? Suggestions? What things have you tried that did/didn't work?For me, it's the household notebook. Several years ago, I had papers flying everywhere for every occasion (birthday gift ideas, school information, medical info, babysitter notes and numbers, emergency numbers, meal plan's for the week, etc). And for someone who is extremely organized, it ...