It's that time of year already for our family! School starts back next week for us! We finish our school year in April and start back in July. This year, we're starting a couple weeks earlier than normal because in September we're going to be going to Alaska. So, we're preparing early for our vacation. I'm so excited to start, now if I could just get my kids to be half as excited as I am. They do love school at home, but they don't like the thought of their break being over. The past few ...
Sandal Sale from Cents of Style
I love a good pair of sandals. I have so many of each and keep buying them. These sandals from Cents of Style are adorable and cheap (but this sale is today only). Get 50% off and FREE shipping today only when you purchase these sandals. Some are as low as $10, most are $15, and none of them are over $20! Use code SANDALSALE at checkout to receive 50% off! Which ones are your favorite? Additionally, this really cute metallic scarf will be offered at checkout for only $2.99 + ...
Easy Homemade Marinara Sauce Recipe
I've searched Pinterest for the absolute BEST Marinara sauce recipe. I wanted something quick, easy, and not too many ingredients, while still tasting really yummy! I've found it! It's this recipe - and I tweaked it a bit to our tasting. *Ingredients* 2 (28 oz) cans crushed tomatoes 1 (6 oz) can tomato paste 1 medium onion, chopped 2.5 tablespoons of minced garlic 2 whole bay leaves 1 tbsp dried basil dash of garlic powder (optional) dash of red pepper (optional) 1/2 tbsp dried ...
Wilderness at the Smokies 2 Night Stay Giveaway
We leave for Wilderness at the Smokies today! My boys have had a countdown and the day is finally here! If you have been following my Facebook page for the past few weeks, you know our reasons for loving this resort and why we think it's the perfect weekend family getaway. Today, is the start of the GRAND FINALE giveaway. This won't be the last giveaway from Wilderness that I'll have, but it will be the last of this series of giveaways I've been hosting on my Facebook page. I'm ...
MobileBrochure – Your Online Guide to The Great Smoky Mountains
It's travel season, which means you have a handful of brochures from attractions you want to visit. If you're like me, you HATE having all the brochures sitting around in your car when you're on vacation. I was so excited to hear about the new concept, MobileBrochure. MobileBrochure is the Go-To Getaway Guide for vacationers on the go. The user-friendly online travel planner puts up-to-date entertainment, dining, attraction, and recreation information at the fingertips of visitors planning a ...
Sprite & Gummy Bear Homemade Popsicle Recipe
Today, we made this homemade popsicle recipe & they were a hit! We have this on our Summer Bucket List and they turned out so good! The recipe is REALLY easy, and I mean, REALLY - 2 ingredients, that's it. Gummy Worms & Sprite. All you do is pour the Sprite into the popsicle mold and then add Gummy Bears in. Put the stick in the popsicle mold and throw them in the freezer for 4-6 hours (or until they are completely frozen). Delish, I tell you! To follow more of what we're doing ...
dotMOM 2014 Facebook Party!
I'm so excited to let you in on another fun Facebook party! Who wants to join in the dotMOM Facebook party on Tuesday, June 10th at 7pm CST? You definitely don't want to miss it! What is dotMOM? Between all the frenzy, all the laundry, all the temper tantrums (yours and theirs), and all the crackers crushed into the crevices of your furniture, you're getting it right. You've got the most important job in the world, and sometimes that comes with a lot of pressure. But we know you take your ...
Stone Mountain Park {visit Atlanta & a giveaway)
This past weekend we were in Atlanta being tourists. I grew up there but had never been without kids to be a tourist in my own "hometown". We met some friends and my mother-in-law who are both from Florida so it was definitely a fun getaway! We did all the fun attractions like a Braves game, the Georgia Aquarium, the Varsity, and more! We stayed at Omni CNN Center in downtown Atlanta and LOVED it! It was our first time in an Omni hotel and we were blown away by the ...