Typically, Fridays are good days; GREAT days for most. It signals the start of the weekend and the end of the work or school week. Even if it has been a bad day, or rough week, we can almost always refer to Friday as a good day. So what makes "Good Friday" so good, so seperate from all the other "good Friday's during the year? Most of us probably know Good Friday is part of the Easter weekend for Christian people. This is the day Jesus was crucified on a Cross, murdered brutally, despised ...
Ultimate List of Mom Resources – Week 3
Every have one of those weeks where you feel like you can't come up for air? We have been running non stop this week, and have declared this week our Spring Break. We weren't planning on taking a Spring Break this year so we could finish a little early, but life got in the way of our school this week, and we had to give in. Between appointments, and cousins being here, and my sister leaving for China, and church events, we have been swamped. How was your week? What did you find to be the ...
How To Make A Model Of Saturn
Last week my oldest son had a project for his homeschool co-op to make a planet. He was assigned Saturn, so we got to work on our planet. This easy, fun, quick project is one anyone can do. Even the most non-creative, un-artistic mom {like myself} will be impressed with how it turns out. What You'll Need: an old record paint & paintbrushes styrofoam ball hot glue gun & glue sticks What You'll Do: 1. Paint each "area" on the record {within the lines} a different color, on the front & ...
Hello Friday!
Hello Friday! You're my favorite day of the week, ok, well maybe not favorite but one of them. I love taking pictures on my phone and using photo editing apps to make them look all cute. I'm really excited to be involved with the Insta-Friday Community over at LifeRearranged.com. Just a couple weeks ago we received some pretty horrible news about our pastor. Would you please join us in prayer? One of my favorite verses. There is so much to learn and soak in when we are ...
Create a Spring Window
We love celebrating the beginning of each season. Spring began on Wednesday and we had fun drawing on the windows. Yes, you heard me right...we drew on the windows. It was so much fun and the boys thought it was so funny to draw on the windows. Here's how you and your kids can have fun too. *Supplies Needed* Crayola 8 Count Washable Window Markers Coffee Filters Watercolors Paintbrush *Directions* 1. Paint the coffee filters and let it dry. 2. While drying, create your "scene" ...
Ultimate List of Mom Resources
We're on to week two of Ultimate List of Mom Resources. I love this community and the connections we're already making. It's only week two of this link-up and I feel like I've known some of you forever after poking around on your blogs this week. I'm excited to announce the winner from the Lisa Leonard necklace giveaway we had last week. {Drumroll please.....} Congrats to Laura. Did you have a chance to make it around the community from this past week? We hope you've connected and ...
Pray For My Pastor, David Landrith {#prayfordavid}
My Pastor, David Landrith has been diagnosed with an incurable cancer. It's something that we never want to hear anyone has - especially the pastor of your church. As the Baptist Press & many other media sources have stated: "Landrith, 49, and his wife Jennifer have three children: Rachel, Sam and Josh. He has been pastor of Long Hollow, which now has more than 9,000 members, since 1997. In a sermon at Long Hollow March 10, Landrith recounted the diagnosis and his reaction and pointed ...
Veggie Tales: Easter Bundle {giveaway}
A couple of weeks ago we partied with Veggie Tales on Twitter! If you didn't join us, you missed a great party! We were trending on Twitter, and had tons of people involved! Awesome prizes were handed out and it was fun to network with others. You'll want to make sure you join in next time. Be watching for details on the next Veggie Tales party. The grand prize we handed out was a copy of Veggietales: A Very Veggie Easter Collection, a copy of Veggie Tales: The Little House That Stood, a ...