A couple of weeks ago we partied with Veggie Tales on Twitter! If you didn't join us, you missed a great party! We were trending on Twitter, and had tons of people involved! Awesome prizes were handed out and it was fun to network with others. You'll want to make sure you join in next time. Be watching for details on the next Veggie Tales party. The grand prize we handed out was a copy of Veggietales: A Very Veggie Easter Collection, a copy of Veggie Tales: The Little House That Stood, a ...
The Ultimate List of Mom Resources {week one & a giveaway}
It's here - the first week of The Ultimate List of Mom Resources and I'm so excited! I'm partnering with all of you and Rebecca from Moms Mustard Seeds on this fun, new link-up. What is it exactly? <div align="center"><a href="http://www.momsmustardseeds.com/" title="Moms Mustard Seeds"><img src="http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac169/suwaneemom3/ScreenShot2013-03-13at94250PM_zps9e76b9e6.png" alt="Moms Mustard Seeds" style="border:none;" /></a></div> As mom's, we're ...
4 Family Resorts for Spring and Summer
Spring is almost here and it's one of our favorite times to get out and travel! Whether you're looking for a last minute idea for Spring Break or planning for summer vacation, these are some great resorts to consider visiting with your family this year. 1. Gaylord Opryland Hotel: On the banks of Tennessee's Cumberland River, Gaylord Opryland offers guests the excitement and energy of Music City. Beneath our climate-controlled signature glass atriums lies an extraordinary selection of dining, ...
Steamed Broccoli and Cheddar Cheese Sauce {gluten free}
Broccoli is one of my favorite side dishes. I especially love broccoli and cheese. But my boys don't feel the same about broccoli as I do. I tried this recipe a few weeks ago and they LOVED it! They were asking for seconds before I knew it. I know your picky eaters will love it too! *Ingredients* fresh broccoli - 2 cups, steamed 5 tbsp butter 1 tbsp corn starch 1 cup milk 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese {freshly-grated} salt/pepper to taste *Directions* 1. Rinse and steam ...
The ULTIMATE List of Mom Resources
{photo credit} Being a mom is not a small task. It's one that can only be accomplished by moms who join hands and share their tips, their ideas and what works in their own homes. We know, because many of you moms are our friends. That's why I'm joining with Rebecca from Mom's Mustard Seeds and we are giving you a place to share your tips, secrets and resources. Yes, all of the best of the best in one place. We are going to provide the main stopping point for all moms. We have a Pinterest ...
Jesus Loves Me This I Know
Throughout our lives we create so many memories - memories from childhood, from school, falling in love, raising our kids and so on. If we are blessed to live long enough, we will have many, many memories. Some people lose these memories, for varied reasons. For some it happens suddenly and is from physical or emotional trauma. Others, it may take years to lose every memory, but they go, one by one, a name, a big life event, the memory of one’s child or spouse, and then the memory of how to ...
Veggie Tales Twitter Party: The Little House That Stood
It's no secret that Veggie Tales comes out with some of the best DVD's and products for teaching our kids the true values in life. I'm so excited to share that there is another Veggie Tales twitter party coming up and I personally want to invite you to attend! The Little House That Stood is being released on March 5th and we'd like to celebrate it's release with a twitter party! What is a Twitter party? It's one of the best ways to connect, network, and get to know others on social ...
The Little House That Stood – Veggie Tales {giveaway}
Teaching kids to make their own choices creates an opportunity for them to learn to be independent and accountable. VeggieTales helps little ones get a solid start and learn lessons they will carry with them throughout their lives. Veggie Tales: The Little House That Stoodis a delightful new story that uses fun music and humor to teach children how to make good choices. For the first time, VeggieTales has parodied popular nursery rhymes including Humpty Dumpty and The Three Little Pigs in ...