I'm so excited to announce that I'm teaming up with Jennifer from Studio JRU, Jen from I Believe In Love, and Stephanie from Beyond Words Designs on a fun monthly meme. Color Your World is a monthly challenge that is guaranteed to brighten your mood! It also makes us STOP {which is a hard thing for most of us to do these days} and notice the color around us. How does it work? 1. There is a color challenge for each month. The link up dates and colors are: October 3 ~ ...
Menu Plan Monday: Week One
It's my first time to join in the Menu Plan Monday fun with Laura from I'm an Organizing Junkie. It's no secret that I love to plan and organize, and even menu plan each week, so why this is my first time joining in, I'm not sure why. It's an interesting week for us - we are so busy. But, that won't stop me from planning out our meals and hopefully sticking to my plan. It was just last week that I made a note to myself to find some new notepads for my shopping list. After roaming around ...
My Sponsored Child Pinterest Contest {Compassion}
Many of you have a heart for children in poverty like I do and want to do whatever you can to help those sweet kids. I have a new, fun, creative way for you to help spread the word about child poverty. Many of you know about Compassion International. We have sponsored several children through them and can't say enough good things about this program. How can you help? Create a Pinterest board titled “My Sponsored Child.” On the board you create, Pin the image above to your “My ...
3 Branches of Government: An Fun & Easy Way to Teach Your Kids
It's Election year and kids have questions about our complex government system. How do you teach them? Where do you start? How do you make it fun? Between the ages of 8 and 10, children’s minds are still in a stage of wonder and imagination. Why not take advantage of this accessibility and inspire a lifelong interest in politics and government? To the rescue are Cheryl and Peter Barnes who launch three new books this month, Woodrow, the White House Mouse; House Mouse, Senate ...
ABC Book {Letter of the Week Ideas}
I have a 3 year old who loves to do "school" since he sees his brother doing school work all the time. I wanted more than just an ABC Workbook. So, I searched and searched through lots of blogs with ideas on Letter of the Week. I came across this one and fell in love. We are getting lots of ideas from her blog but we're making it our own as well. What You'll Need: 3 ring binder printer paper computer printer {to print off templates} construction paper markers glue and ...
National Day of Encouragement
My friends Erin & Jennifer reminded me that today is National Day of Encouragement. We all have the ability to encourage, it's just how much encouragement do we leave for others? Life gets hectic, we get so wrapped up in our own lives that sometimes we forget to encourage each other. Today, I'm thankful for each of you, my readers. I love blogging and love the community it has brought to my life. You encourage me. image from: Studio JRU Today, my challenge to you is to leave 3 ...
My Life List {the beginning}
I got to thinking after reading Nish's Life List post about my Life List. Do I have one? No, not one written out. Do I have things I want to do during my lifetime? Of course! I started to jot down some things on paper that I'd like to accomplish and do during my life. {My husband makes his list every fall and re-evaluates and checks things off the following year. I want to do better at this like he does} I love to make lists. I love to check things off and see what I've accomplished. ...
5 Signs That You’re A Stay At Home Mom
1. You have a "Mommy Time Out" in the bathroom for 10 minutes just to get some peace and quiet. 2. A "quiet bath" becomes a day at the spa. 3. You're typing on the computer holding your sleeping baby. 4. You stay up late just to have some "me" time. 5. Your New Years Resolutions are to potty train your child and to get your baby to sleep through the night. I don't know about you, but I have felt all of these at one time or another over the past 6 years of being a ...