Blissdom is less than two weeks again and I'm getting so excited. I cannot wait to be in an atmosphere where friends, social media, and bloggers come together for 3 full days {yes, my heart is palpitating just thinking of it} I'm getting all my geeky devices ready {aka my laptop, iPhone, iPad} and have been in an app downloading mindset for the past few days. Ya'll already know I'm a hardcore Apple user, so now the question is... Which apps have I downloaded and will be using for the big ...
Loaded Baked Potato Dip
This is the easiest and yummiest dip for any occasion! Serve with Fritos or Potato Chips and you have a great finger food to take to parties. *INGREDIENTS* {2} 24 ounce containers of sour cream 2-3 cups of shredded cheddar cheese {1} 3 ounce container of Bacon Bits {NOT Bacos} {1} Package of Green Onions chopped finely *DIRECTIONS* Mix all together and chill for an hour or so covered. Serve with chips of choice. ...
Veggie Tales Spotisode Collection {FREE App}
My kids love apps...on our phones and iPads. I was so excited to hear that Veggie Tales has a FREE app out ready to be downloaded. Check it out! Our friends at Weeblets bring you a new VeggieTales Spotisode Collection mobile app for kids as a free download, now available for both Android and iOS! The app features fan-favorite VeggieTales video clips, Silly Songs, and gameplay for your little ones. Children develop valuable skills and learn life's important lessons as they play this ...
Twitter Parties, Breakfast, & Hashtags
I'm excited to say that in just 16 days I'll be at Blissdom with such sweet friends enjoying the fabulous weekend. Blissdom Conference is approaching so quickly - and I'm excited to be joining my dear friend Sue in meeting you and hugging your neck. Several months ago, we told you about how Hip Homeschool Moms was going to make a point to meet with as many homeschoolers as possible at Blissdom. And while we aren't planning a big get together, we're still wanting to hug your neck. How ...
LOVE-ly Ideas {link-up}
It's February and it's LOVE-ly! February is one of my favorite months. All the fun Valentines activities, recipes, and decorations, and the feeling that Spring is on the way is quite exciting. photo credit: photosteve101 I've teamed up with Mary from Homegrown Learners to bring you a fun February event. It's called "LOVE-ly Ideas". Do you have ideas that you've gathered from Pinterest {yes, I confess, its an addiction for me}, or do you have favorite activities you always participate in or ...
Family Fun Night With Shrek & Friends At Gaylord Opryland
I'm so excited to attend the next big great event at Gaylord Opryland here in Nashville. My boys don't know they are going yet, but I'm excited to capture their faces when we announce it in a few days. You don't want to miss this Family Fun Night, so take advantage of this great deal. Gaylord Hotels Introduces Family Fun Night with Shrek & Friends - The DreamWorks Experience Continues with New Winter Getaway Packages NASHVILLE, Tenn. --Families looking for a memorable weekend away can ...
Homemade Vegetable Soup {recipe}
*Ingredients* V8 - low sodium juice 2 cans diced tomatoes 2 cups chicken broth bag {or two} of frozen vegetable mix 1.5 lbs ground beef {optional} 1 bag frozen broccoli 1 sweet onion sautéed in EVOO .5 - 1 cup of water Garlic Pepper {to taste} Chili Seasoning {to taste} Sea Salt {to taste} Season All {to taste} *Directions* Mix all and put in the crockpot for at least 2+ hours. The longer it cooks, the better it is. Enjoy! ...
Wordless Wednesday: He’s Three