Wow! Another year of being nominated in HSBA Homeschool Blog Awards. I'm honored {to say the least!} And the voting is open NOW! The blogosphere is so encouraging and I've met some amazing bloggers in the past year. There are definitely some amazing nominations this year. Thank you SO much for including me in this group and voting for me. I appreciate all my readers so much - you all encourage me! When voting for your favorite bloggers, make sure you leave them some love and comment ...
Heaven Is For Real *for kids* {giveaway}
We have all heard of the book Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back, Deluxe Edition {and if you haven't heard of it, be ready for a book that will send chills up your spine and tears streaming down your face}. It's an amazing book....but there is something even better! Heaven Is For Real *for kids*. Colton Burpo came back from his trip to heaven with a very important message...Jesus really, really loves children. During an emergency operation at ...
{principles for} Keeping A Daily Schedule
I love schedules. I love lists. I love checking things off these schedules and gives me a sense of accomplishment. Many have asked how I get everything accomplished in a normal day. My answer? I stick to my schedule. Though sometimes I have to alter it a bit due to normal everyday life, for the most part we stick to a pretty strict schedule. photo credit: |Chris| Use these principles to help build and keep your daily schedule: Be Realistic: Don't schedule yourself to wake ...
Wordless Wednesday: Camera Phoneography
{these are all pictures taken this past week on my iPhone. I'm an addict with Instagram, so put the two together, I have TONS of pictures to share.} I'd love to see yours too. Ok, enough words, especially since this is "Wordless Wednesday" {oops!} ...
Honeysuckle Hill Farm {field trip}
I love that we live so close {literally within minutes} of such a fun place! No matter what the season, Honeysuckle Hill Farm has LOTS to offer. With thousands of pumpkins, tractor rides, hay rides, pig races, a 67 foot jumping pillow, a petting zoo, and so much more - there is something for everyone! My boys look forward to Honeysuckle Hill Farm every season - which is why we make a big field trip day out of it. The first thing we did on our field trip was slide down the spider slide and ...
Velcro Removable Products {giveaway}
I dont know about you, but I love Velcro. The idea and concept is can use Velcro on just about anything! As a homeschool mom, Velcro definitely comes in handy in our schoolroom. About Velcro® Brand Removable Products: VELCRO® Brand Removable Poster and Picture Hangers are a smart, but simple solution for creating gallery walls, hanging framed pictures, your children’s artwork and school work, photos and posters around your home securely, without damaging the surface of ...
The Homeschool Mothers Journal: Fall Leaves
Another week has passed in our Kindergarten journey. And it's been another fun one! In My Life This Week… I got to go hear Katie Davis from Amazima Ministries speak yesterday. Oh my, this is one amazing girl. She makes me want to be a better person. Her love for the country of Uganda makes me miss it {my sister lived there for 6 years and we went to visit her Christmas 2006}. Katie is 22 years old and has 13 Ugandan daughters...yes, she's adopted all 13. Read more about her life in Uganda ...
Wordless Wednesday: Fall Street