This activity is great for preschool and elementary aged children. It's easy, and a quick way for students to learn to write their letters and numbers. {got this idea from our homeschool curriculum, Heart of Dakota} Partially fill a ziplock bag with liquid dish soap or clear liquid hair gel. Squeeze the air out and seal the bag. Use letters or numbers to teach this lesson. Have students "write" the corresponding number or letter on the outside of the bag with their fingers. ...
Top Ten “Pins” From This Week
Yes, I'm an addict. Pinterest - it's my favorite. I've gotten some amazing ideas for homeschooling, recipes to try, household tips, organization, all the way to decorating my home. Love, Love, Love it! So, this week I chose to highlight my Top Ten Favorite Pins with Top Ten Tuesday . Here we go... 1. Guest Bathroom Toilet Paper Holder 2. Chicken Enchilada Crock-Pot Soup 3. 45 Uses for Vinegar 4. I *heart* Organizing {blog} 5. Rainbow Drink 6. Baked ...
Sharing & Caring Charts
I've noticed with our boys that positive reinforcement works a whole lot better than using negative words. I created these charts to accomplish just that. {and I included a bible verse that I think every toddler/preschooler/school age child should learn. Heck, even us adults need to be reminded of it. -Philippians 2:14 and it's a good verse to go with your Scripture Memorization.} Everytime I notice one {or both} of them doing something that is pleasing, sharing, caring for eachother ...
Stained Glass Initials {craft}
Oh my - did we have so much fun making these! Even my two year old really got into this craft. I got this idea from Pinterest {yes, I'm addicted} and it turned out really well. *Supplies Needed* white paper {we used cardstock} watercolors masking tape bowl of water {to dip paintbrush in} paper towels or newspaper to put under the white piece of paper *Instructions* 1. Place your paper towels or newspaper down on a flat surface {we used our kitchen bar} 2. Put the white paper on ...
Keep Calm & Homeschool On…
In my life this week… LOTS has happened in my life this week, but I can't share just yet....look for a post coming in the next couple of weeks. In our homeschool this week… It was our first week of Kindergarten! We started Heart of Dakota this week and we absolutely love it! My son can't wait to do more each day. My favorite thing this week was… Watching my son memorize this scripture {Matthew 14:19} within the first hour of our week of homeschool. He amazes me! I’m ...
Creating a Custom Facebook Username {tutorial}
Do you have an ugly Facebook page that the address looks something like this? It’s time to clean it up! 1. Sign in to Facebook. 2. Then go to 3. Click “Set a username for your page” then click on the dropdown menu for “Page Name” and select which page you want to have a username for. 4. Type in what you’d like your username to be and click “Check availability”. 5. If ...
Back to School!
We're heading Back to School today! "J" is so ready to get back in the swing of things and ready to begin his Kindergarten year. {still can't believe he's in Kindergarten} Our school room is ready {minus the wall calendar that still has to be laminated}, the books are out, now we just wait for 9am Monday morning to get here. We'll be doing most of our school work in the school room as well as some in our kitchen at our bar. Here is our curriculum choice.... and off we go. {wish ...
Adding A “Like” Box To Your Site
Ever wondered how you could add a box on your website where people can "like" your Facebook page directly from your website? Here is an easy tutorial to help you get that set up. photo credit: Sean MacEntee 1. Go to your Page on Facebook. 2. Then click on “edit page” on the left under your pages profile picture. 3. Once you’ve clicked on that, on the right column, you’ll see “Promote with a ‘Like’ Box. Click that. 4. Once that is clicked in the first box, put in your ID number from ...