The Read & Share Devotional book is the perfect devotional companion to the beloved and best-selling Read and Share Bible which helps parents teach their young children about God's word! This book is by Gwen Ellis and is a must have in your family library. It's perfect for children ages 3-7. We received this book and both of my boys took a liking to it. We already have the Read & Share Bible, so having this to go along with the bible was a huge blessing. It's one that they ask to read ...
Books Make Me Happy: My First Reading Log
My mother in law gave this to my son in his stocking this past Christmas. I have been blessed with an avid reader who is 5 years old. But he isn't into handwriting or writing out assignments. {I know most of that is his age} But I wanted to start early in teaching him that journaling and writing out your thoughts from books can be both exciting and rewarding. Since working through the first few pages of this book, he requests we do "book reports" after each book he reads. This is such a great ...
The Homeschool Planner & Fearing The Lord Scripture Journal {giveaway}
I have a great giveaway for you today {actually two great giveaways}! Meet Heather from Christian Stay At Home Mom. She has created an amazing Homeschool Planner & Scripture Journal that you will love! Read a little about each... The Homeschool Planner: My name is Heather Bixler and I have been homeschooling since January 2006. I homeschool three kiddos ages 13 yrs. old, 7 yrs. old, and 6 yrs. old. We have a pretty busy life with a schedule that feels like it is filled to the max, ...
Glo Bible Premium {review & giveaway}
I first saw Glo a couple of years ago and thought it looked really interesting but, because we are Mac people and Glo was, at that time, only for PC I never had the chance to look at it in depth. Since that time, Glo's developers have released both Mac and iOS versions that bring it into the fold of the Apple ecosystem. Over the past several weeks, I've spent time using the full versions of both the Mac and iPad versions of Glo and I have to say that I am really impressed. Glo creates a ...
Sweet Little Hands {craft & keepsake}
I found these on Pinterest and LOVED how sweet they looked. They turned out even better than I had expected. I picked up 4 canvases from JoAnn's last week. There were so many choices for paint, that was the hardest part. Finally, after several hours (no really, it seemed that long!) I picked 4 different colors of paint, picked up some paint brushes and was on my way out the door. After laying down the newspaper, I painted each canvas a different color and let it sit for about an hour ...
Let Go Of Perfect
When Meghan asked me to guest post on The Tuckers Take Tennessee, I wondered what I would share with you, her readers. It occurred to me that the majority of you are probably moms, and being a mom myself, I thought I would share some encouragement along the lines of motherhood. ”Let go of PERFECT” In today’s social media world, there is a certain pressure added to moms. A pressure to be “perfect” parents, spouses, community members, Christians, etc. All around us we see glimpses into ...
Southern Sweet Tea {recipe}
Two things I love... the South & sweet tea. So, I'm sharing my famous Southern Sweet Tea recipe with you! It's easy and SO yummy! {I love to drink my sweet tea from a Tervis Tumblr or even a Mason Jar} *Ingredients* 1 cup sugar Boiling hot water 2 Liter pitcher 3 Family Size Luzianne Tea Bags *Directions* 1. Fill a tea kettle with water and let it boil till it chirps at you. 2. Pour about 2/4 of the water into the 2 liter pitcher. 3. Put 3 tea bags in and steap ...
Homeschooling TWO Children Close In Age
When we first started to homeschool my two youngest we were faced with a choice to either homeschool them at their individual grade levels, or homeschool them at the same grade level. You see my two youngest are only 16 months apart, and honestly it seemed as though I could homeschool them the same grade as the older of the two – which was Kindergarten – rather than taking time to teach individual lessons to them both. Deciding to go with homeschooling my youngest a grade level higher really ...