We all define ourselves in a variety of ways. Some of these definitions are inherited, some are given to us when we are young, some we self-assign, some come attached to careers, behavior, or lifestyles we have chosen. Trying to live up to our definitions can enslave us. Lately, I have been pondering the fact that even positive, Biblical titles for the roles in my life can become suffocating if I define myself by them. "Wife" - If this is the foundational definition for my life, I become ...
Enjoy The Moment
“Hurry up,” the young mom told the little boy. “Walk normal,” she added. Sometimes taking two steps, sometimes three, the toddler was enjoying his walk down the stairs. He was oblivious to his mother’s time table. He was lost in his own little world. I knew the mom’s frustration. My son lives in his own world. His personality is the exact opposite of mine. I’m the oldest child, a Type A driven person. My son is a dreamer. He doesn’t get in a hurry. Ambition is not in his ...
Next Week’s Line-up…
I love summer. It means lots of down time and vacations for our family. When I'm away, I love to have guests featured here. Next week, we're going to be in and out some of the week traveling. While I'm away, I'm excited to bring you to you some fantastic bloggers who will be sharing some awesome posts with you. Thank you to each of you for contributing and to all of you for reading. If you blog and are interested in guest blogging over here sometime, click here to let me know. Now on ...
Twitter Party Alert: Seeds Family Worship
It's time for another awesome twitter party announcement! I'm excited to be hosting a twitter party with Seeds Family Worship. Not familiar with Seeds Family Worship? "Who is Seeds Family Worship? “Seeds Family Worship is dedicated to planting the Seeds of God’s Word in the hearts of families through its Scripture songs with the goal of equipping and encouraging them in God’s Word.” My boys love memorizing scripture with Seeds Family Worship. I even find myself listening to it ...
Top 10 Tuesday: Why We Chose Heart of Dakota Curriculum
We are anxiously gearing up for our homeschool year starting early fall. Come September 6th, we will be starting Kindergarten in this house! I have a sister who has been homeschooling for almost 10 years and homeschools all 6 of her children. She's talked and talked about different curriculums every year and what she has put together herself. We have lots of friends who homeschool and hearing them talk about curriculum really had us scratching our heads as to what we were going to use for my son ...
Heart of the Matter Online Conference {giveaway}
One of my favorite homeschool sites is Heart of the Matter. And they are gearing up for their annual online homeschool conference which will take place August 8-12, 2011. The Heart of the Matter Conference is a conference in your jammies!! This online event uses the Internet as a conference venue. You will be able to access the conference from anywhere in the world using simple browser software which we provide. This software is compatible with all computers including Macs. All you need is a ...
Camera Phonography: It’s The Little Things
It's been a busy {but fun!} week. It's been super hot - so hot that my iPhone told me it needed to cool down {literally!} What a smart phone! :) The pool was visited quite a few times this week by our family, we had spaghetti out of my favorite serving dish, we visited the Creation Museum, and I took pictures of my boys {something I love doing!}. Yes, its the simple things in life I love remembering - and I'm glad I have my iPhone to capture those moments. ...
Creation Museum
The Creation Museum is a fantastic place to visit with your family! We went this past weekend and loved every aspect of it. Located right near Cincinnati, there are many other things to do and visit while you're in the area. We first saw the museum on an episode when the Duggar family went to visit. "The state-of-the-art 70,000 square foot museum brings the pages of the Bible to life, casting its characters and animals in dynamic form and placing them in familiar settings. Adam and Eve ...