I know this is supposed to be a Wordless post, but I can't help myself. This picture was taken this past Sunday when my husband and my oldest son were doing "Man's Work" as they call it and cutting some logs on our property. ...
Top Ten {Tuesday}: 10 Favorite Homeschooling Sites
Do you homeschool or are you considering homeschool? Check out some of my favorite homeschooling sites that I'm constantly digging through. 1. The Kelley Eight 2. Classic Housewife 3. Waddlee-ah-chaa 4. Mom's Mustard Seeds 5. ...
3 In 30: Week One {April}
A new month brings a new challenge, and the month of April brings some changes to the 3in30 Challenge. Throughout the month of April, we will be making some transitions - some exciting, some bittersweet - and we want to let you in behind-the-scenes today! --- {#1} Due to an overwhelming “YES!!” response to our question about whether or not you’d like a weekly newsletter emailed to you, we are hard at work figuring out all the details to pull that off. We’re working on determining ...
The Homeschool Mothers Journal: -11-
In my life this week... I've had the worst cold.Ever. So, if I've been short, not chatty, or just a drag, please do forgive me. I am not trying to snub you. In our homeschool this week... We continued to work on PreK Scholars and are having so much fun with it! My son is also doing SO great at reading (he just turned 5!) Check out the video here Places we're going and people we're seeing... We haven't done too much this week since I have been under the weather. My mom did take ...
Our *Spring* Homeschool Report
It's so hard to believe that at the beginning of this school year, my 4 year old (now 5 year old) did not know how to write, read, or sound out most of his letters. He knew all of his letters but didn't know the sounds to each. After venturing through Alpha Omega Horizons, Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, and now reviewing with PreK Scholars , I feel we are definitely ready to hit Kindergarden in the fall. We have our curriculum and are just waiting for September to hit ...
Suwanee Soap {review & giveaway}
I've always loved handmade soap. There are TONS of companies out there who make it but how do you know which one to buy from? I've bought from some businesses that the soap has crumpled while using it the first time. It immediately went in the trash and I was sad that I wasted my money. My experience with Suwanee Soap was quite different. Check out just how much I love this stuff in the video below. Suwanee Soap Review from Meghan Tucker on Vimeo. And now, we have a fun giveaway for ...
We ARE Worthy!
It was in our small group this evening that it really hit. We ARE worthy of the love and grace God has given us. I know I always fall into the category of "I'm not worthy" of his grace. When really, he wants us to acknowledge that we are. We are studying "Grace - The One And Only" by Louis Giglio; Louis lays out some statements from Ephesians 1 to preach to ourselves everyday. Which of these statements lands with you the most? (as from our study guide) 1. I am somebody. -Because of what ...
Favorite Homeschool Sites: The Homeschool Chick
Not only is she a great friend of mine, but her blog rocks my socks off! Really, she's got the homeschool thing going on. So many people have this stale image of homeschoolers, but if you head over to visit The Homeschool Chick, you'll see she is anything but stale. She is genuine, true, hilarious, has such great spirits, and will make anyone laugh. She's all about connecting and helping YOU! I love her posts on hating laundry. If there is one person who hates doing laundry the most, it's ...