LOTS going on this month in the 3 In 30 World! Read below for lots of information & an announcement! 1. Have you seen our goals RESOURCE PAGE?!? We’ll continue to add great resources as we find them, helping you to make your goals reality! 2. Join us on Tuesday, March 29th at 7:30pm CST for our monthly #3in30 Twitter party! • Use the #3in30 hashtag and follow hostesses @3n30, @apichea, and @meghantucker We’ve got some great prizes lined up and we can’t wait to chat with you ...
The Homeschool Mothers Journal *9-10*
In my life this week... This week has been wonderful! You know why? Because we have had all of our homeschool lessons outside this week. The weather has been A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. and its given us a reason to get out and enjoy Spring! I've even made my household, family, travel list for Spring and Summer. Check it out! Whats on your list? In our homeschool this week... We have started PreK Scholar and are LOVING it! This is such a great curriculum for 3-5 year olds. My son is 5 and is ...
Pre-K Scholars
We have just finished our first week using PreK Scholars. I'm calling our "weeks" from Monday - Wednesday being that my boys go to Mothers Day Out on Thursdays for the day. Friday's, we spend time either reviewing our week or taking a day of "rest". We found this curriculum at the MidSouth Homeschool Convention and fell in love with it as well as the authors. My son is a bit advanced for this, but it is awesome review for Kindergarden and this will be THE ONLY curriculum I use for my next son ...
Funky Vintage Lovely {giveaway}
I cannot say enough good things about Funky Vintage Lovely. Have you seen her cuteness? No really, it's adorable! I have the Simple Blooming Necklace and Blooming Stud Earrings and LOVE them both! I get so many compliments on them too. Look at the cuteness! Learn a little more about April - the gal behind Funky Vintage Lovely: Hi, I'm April! Lover of jeggings {not embarrassed to admit it} and boots, the colors grey, turquoise, red and mustard yellow, my husband and children. ...
Top 10 Tuesday: Spring!
It's Spring and as you can tell by some recent posts of mine, I'm SO excited its arrived! This winter seemed to have gone on forever and the warm weather and birds chirping really have us all in good spirits around here! So, what are your favorite things about Spring? Mine? 1. The warm breeze flowing through my house 2. Windows and french doors open 3. Longer days 4. Playing outside 5. Flowers blooming 6. Easter 7. Cute spring/summer clothing 8. New recipes to ...
My Spring – Summer List
photo credit: Jinx! Warm weather, Flip flops, Windows open, Flowers blooming, Sunshine shining. It's{almost} Spring... and Summer is on it's way! Each season I make a list of things I'd like to accomplish as a family as well as personally. This list consists of chores, activities, travel plans, decorative items to purchase, recipes to try, etc. It's so fun to make, check off what we get done, and then keep to look back on. I highly suggest you take a few moments and make your ...
They’re Here!
My new business cards have arrived! When the UPS man pulled into my driveway this afternoon, I got so excited because I knew they were finally here. I plan to get this adorable card holder from TaraDara to carry them in style. So, my good friend Eryn from MamaHall did the design work for me and they turned out so well! Like, I'm so excited to show them off (hint why this post is up so soon after receiving them today). Don't you just love them? I told her a general idea of what I wanted and she ...
DaySpring {review & announcement}
We all have heard of DaySpring & inCourage. Amazing websites and even more amazing products. This past week I got my first ever DaySpring item and I'm in love. I've already gotten so many compliments on it. I have a wishlist for more and am excited to get started on that wishlist. What are your favorite things in the shop? Mine? This adorable Glass Dome - which is on sale for $19.99 the remainder of this month! It would go perfectly on my kitchen table. I think I might just have to get ...