I'm excited to announce the winners of the Cutesie Blog Design giveaway and the Veggie Tales Easter DVD giveaway that happened last week. photo credit: stephen_gunby Congrats to Heather! You won the blog design makeover from Cutesie Blog Design! And congrats to Suzanne! You won the Veggie Tales Easter DVD giveaway. I've emailed you both. Congrats again and thanks to the awesome vendors to provide these great giveaways! ...
Children Crave Encouragement
Don't we all loved to be encouraged? Then why do we forget so many times to encourage our little ones instead of getting on to them and telling them what they do wrong? Lift your children or a child you know up with these encouraging words. Great Job Way to go You're so creative You are so sweet I'm so thankful for you I'm proud to call you my child Terrific I appreciate you Lets try again You can do it God loves you Great idea You're a great friend I have confidence in ...
Cutesie Blog Design {giveaway}
Cutesie Blog Designs has been a sponsor on my site for a couple of months now and I'm excited to host a giveaway for her this week! A little about Cutesie: I began playing with blog design on my personal blog and for friends. After I was continuously doing designs for free, my friends and husband kept saying I could make money doing this. So, I looked into, found that there was a huge market for custom blog design. I found though, that everything was so overpriced for the actual cost. ...
A Worried Mom…
I'm asking for prayers for my little man tonight. As many of you know he has been having some digestive issues for the past year or so. He's "clogged up" (sorry, TMI) as they put it and we're not sure what is causing this. They think a food allergy possibly. Anyway, we've had X-Ray upon X-Ray and a couple weeks ago had a colonoscopy done as well as a few biopsy's. All that came back normal (praise the Lord!) but they want to do a complete "clean out" tomorrow. The doctors described this as ...
Veggie Tales Easter 2011 DVD {giveaway}
"It's time for Veggie Tales!" (I can hear my 5 year old and 2 year old singing this at the top of their lungs as I write this post….so the timing is perfect!) Bob & Larry are two characters our kids grow up with and I'm sure your kids have good memories of them (if they're older) or are currently having fun watching them on TV. I love working with Veggie Tales and am excited to bring to you a fun, spring giveaway from BigIdea. We received 'Twas The Night Before Easter last week in ...
Recipe: Creamy Chicken Stuff
This appetizer is amazing and oh so easy! I got it from my friend Corey in our small group and it is absolutely delish! It was gone within seconds of her bringing it to our house the other night. *Ingredients* 2 cans chunk chicken 2 cream cheese packages 1 cup ranch 3/4 cup hot sauce 1 to 1.5 cups cheddar cheese *Directions* Mix until well blended. Can serve immediately or chilled. Its good with potato chips, fritos, or tortilla strips. ...
I Heart Faces Challenge -Anything But A Face-
To me, this picture tells exactly whats been going on around our house lately. My little 2 year old has loved traipsing through the snowy woods this winter. ...
Be Still
Why is it so hard to Be Still? Why do we think we have the right to govern what is best for us and not take it to the one who gave us life? Why do we get so caught up in ourselves and not feel the need to ask God for help? For a clear view on what he wants... photo credit: garyt70 I always remind myself to drop everything and be still. Listen to what He wants. Listen to what He calls. Even in the smallest of things, we all forget to stop and listen sometimes. Stop worrying about our ...