I have some pretty awesome sponsors and I'm always so excited to share them with you! Make sure you click on their links below to find out a little more about them! So, here we go... New Sponsors in February: Apologia Cutesie Blog Design Founders Academy Interested in being a sponsor? I'd love to work with you! Feel free to contact me. megtucker3782 (at) gmail (dot) com. ...
3 In 30: Closing Comments & Looking Ahead
Not sure what 3 In 30 is? Thinking about joining in with us starting March 1st? Read more about the 3 in 30 Challenge... --- Well folks, it's the end of another month. Thanks to Pix-O-Sphere for sponsoring the month of February!! WOW! It flew by, and we have loved every moment of getting to know each of you, finding new blogs to follow, the encouragement, and the fun Twitter party we had last week! All that to say, it's time to post our Closing Comments for February and link up ...
The Homeschool Mothers Journal -6-
In my life this week… This week has flown by! Seems like just yesterday I was writing last week's post. As some of you may remember from last weeks post, my son had some biopsy'd done the previous week and we got the results back on Monday. Everything looked great! (Such an answer to prayer!) But now, we're headed in for more x-rays to see how we can get his little digestive system cleared out. I'm sure I'll have more news on that this time next week. Until then, could you pray that we can ...
New Month…New Goals
March is just a few days away and it's time to start thinking about what my goals are going to be for the month. I'm joining up with 3 In 30 again to make my goals a reality. Not sure what 3 In 30 is? Just click here for more info and to join in. We'd love to have you join us! By clicking and purchasing the following causes we are promoting in March, you are helping keep 3 In 30 alive! We believe in all of these resources and highly recommend them! So, my goals for the ...
“Is There An App For That?”
The answer is probably YES! There is an app for everything. And I'm not exaggerating. photo credit: Wyemji My husband and I have had each generation iPhone. We love Apple. We have AppleTv, two Apple laptops, an Apple desktop, an Apple router, Apple stock, and Applie iPad. My husband is the techy in the family, but I will say he has me hooked on Apple. He's always used Apple, even when it had the green screen on the monitor and we always will use apple products. All that to say, I have ...
Apologia “Good Morning God” {review}
Last week I had the chance to host a great giveaway from Apologia.This week, I have an opportunity to review the book, "Good Morning God". Check out Apologia's button on the side of this post - they are a fantastic sponsor of my blog! Good Morning God by Davis Carman This delightful children’s book will introduce your little ones to the simple and wonderful ways they can worship God daily. Deuteronomy 6:6–7 tells us to impress His commands on our children’s hearts and talk about them ...
Two Winners…
photo credit: Vectorportal I'm excited to announce two winners tonight. One for the JumpingJoeys Giveaway & the other for Apologia. Congrats DevotionMama - you won the JumpingJoeys giveaway! And Tara - you won the Apologia giveaway! YAY! Be expecting an email from me shortly on how to pick up your prize. Thanks to the two amazing companies who donated! ...
The Homeschool Mothers Journal -4/5-
In my life this week... This week has been so chaotic. Every have one of those weeks where you just don't know how youre going to get it all done? Well, I had one this week. It started Friday morning, my blog completely went away - all the posts, layout, theme, etc. EVERYTHING. Kapoot. So, after much help from a sweet friend to get it back to normal (as well as we could) it was back up and running on Sunday evening. Tuesday, my 2 year old had a colonoscopy. So that had me all nervous and ...