I have another adorable giveaway for you all today. Are you familiar with Mable Hoo? Oh my, are you in for a treat! What is Mable Hoo? I've been crafty my entire life, and when I made these owls for a friend's baby shower, I knew there was something about them. The name came about because my grandmother, Mabel, loved owls, so I named it in honor of her. I love the personalities these owls have taken on, and when you visit the site you'll see that each one has their own name and ...
Twitter Party Alert: Memphis Homeschool Convention {Excitement}
I'm SO excited to have won this awesome giveaway from Darcy at My 3 Boybarians. I won a Family Pass to a convention of my choice, and my choice was to attend the one in Memphis in March! We were already talking about going, but still hadn't decided. Well, our decision was made when I found out that I had won, and we are SO excited! This will be our first homeschool convention to attend. So, to gear up and get ready for the convention, Mid South Homeschool Convention, I'm teaming up with ...
Sweet Shot Tuesday: 1.25.10
I love the meme Sweet Shot Tuesday. Darcy has such great talent! Here is a shot from this week. I woke up a few mornings ago to a beautiful sunrise. As you can tell it was quite cold, but God's beauty definitely shines through the trees in this shot. ...
Hip Homeschool Hop –
The Hip Homeschool Hop is MOVING!!!Starting Tuesday, Feb. 1st the new home of the HHH will be over at HipHomeschoolMoms.comSpecial thanks to:Meghan @ Tuckers Take TennesseeSue @ The Homeschool Chick& Joy @ My Home in the Smokiesfor hosting our super-FUN homeschool link-upover the last several months.________________________________ Some Resources for you:Today is Math Resources Day on the Hip Homeschool Hop. We would love to share with you some math resources that we have come across. ...
An Exciting Evening
My husband and I were just talking tonight about which homeschool convention we were going to attend this spring or summer. Do we go to the one in Atlanta in July or go to the one in Memphis in March? The one in Memphis is around my birthday so it might make a fun get away for the weekend for us, but who is going to watch our kids? (You can only as your mom so many times right? Before it gets old to her, I'm sure). So, maybe we'll go to the convention in Atlanta - my sister lives there and she ...
The Homeschool Mothers Journal – 1
My good friend Sue over at The Homeschool Chick is hosting a meme called The Homeschool Mothers Journal. It's an amazing idea for all you homeschool families out there. How would you answer the same writing prompts she provides? I'm excited to keep record and go back to read my "Homeschool Mothers Journal" In my life this week...This week has been one of those that you can't seem to remember what all was involved because you had so much going on. We have had so much going on this week as a ...
Guest Blogger: Lisa – Pixosphere
I am so excited to be a guest blogger for Meghan. Her enthusiasm for the family friendly blogosphere is so contagious! My name is Lisa (aka Sisterlisa) and I blog at The HomeSpun Life and I'm also the Social Media Manager and CEO of Pix-O-Sphere, a Family Friendly Photo Community. In all my years of making graphics, blogging, and interacting with other photographers online, I have come to learn what most people have questions about and what seems to be at the height of frustration, especially ...
3 In 30 – Encouraging Words
Be sure to read the WHOLE post to see an exciting announcement about next week at the end!!We've passed the half-way point in the 3 in 30 Challenge, and we're on the home stretch! How did this past week go? What did you get accomplished? What did you not get accomplished? What do you still have yet to accomplish before the end of the month?As we share words of encouragement this week, make sure to stop by at least one other blog that is listed below in the link-up and spread a little ...