Sugar Kids Clothing is a fantastic brand! You can see my sponsor post about Caroline and read a little more about here here . What is Sugar Kids Clothing? Sweet, Simple, Handmade clothing and accessories for the children in your life. Items include; dresses, skirts, bibs, burp cloth’s, blankets, changing pads, hair accessories. Look at all this cute stuff!So, who is ready to win? Up for grabs is a $40 store credit to Sugar! How do you win? You can enter once or use ...
Hip Homeschool Hop 1/4/11
Happy 2011 to all our homeschool friends! We are excited to journey through this year with all of you!Please let us know if there is anything we can do or if you have any questions for us that we can answer. We want to always bring community to all the homeschool families out there.Today, we have a new Featured Friend to share with you!Have you met Toni from The Happy Housewife? You will find everything from Home Management, to Cooking, to Frugal Living, and Homeschool. Yes, ...
Our Winners!
So folks, we have some winners for a couple of giveaways we've had this week. 1. The Little Bitty Blog Makeover Giveaway goes to.......SmallMoments! 2. The Tommy Nelson Read & Share Bible Giveaway goes to........Jenny!I'll be emailing you both to let you know how you can pick up your prizes. Thanks again for entering! ...
It’s Here – My 3 In 30 –
It's time to dig deep and make my list of things I want to accomplish this coming year. Instead of being overwhelmed by lots of resolutions, I'm taking it 3 at a time. That's 3 In 30. What is 3 In 30? My January Goals:1. Lose 8 pounds (thats around 2 pounds per week)2. Stick with Project 365 and take one picture every day for the year.So, this month, I need to follow through with just that in beginning. 3. Write 12 encouraging notes to my husband (with 12 different traits I love about ...
Giveaway: Tommy Nelson Read & Share Bible
Another awesome resource from Tommy Nelson!My 4 year old was in desperate need of a new bible and this came at the perfect time. He had outgrown his Toddler bible and we were looking for one a little more age appropriate. The Read & Share Bible is perfect for all kids! I love that Tommy Nelson provides such awesome resources for our children. Their resources make great gifts for others or to add to your collection. Whether you're buying (or entering a giveaway) for a younger child or older, ...
Wordless Wednesday: He’s Two!
2 months old2 years old ...
Hip Homeschool Hop 12/28/10
Welcome Homeschool FriendsWe are so thrilled that you have joined us on our last Hip Homeschool Hop for the year 2010. We have had an awesome year with all of our wonderful homeschooling moms and all of the great giveaways. We look forward to what the year 2011 will bring us. I just know that we will make more homeschooling friends and bring our homeschooling community closer together!As we end this year and prepare for the new year, we would love to know: What are some of your ...
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from our home to yours!I'll be taking the next few days off from the blogging world to enjoy Christmas with my family. I pray you have a safe and blessed Christmas."See" ya'll on Monday! ...