We would just like to say Merry Christmas to you and your families! Now on to our featured blogger!This week on the Hip Homeschool Hop we are featuring Mary at Homeschool Sucess!Mary is a homeschooling mom to 2 beautiful children. She just recently started homeschooling in 2009. Mary was a elementary music teacher and decided to bring her love of teaching home to her children. Please stop by and tell Mary hello! I know she would love to hear from everyone!Now on to the Hop! How to join ...
Sponsor Spotlight! LaunchHER
Have you heard of LaunchHER? I'm sure you have, but for those of you that haven't, LaunchHER provides the boost that women owned brands need by featuring new and fresh companies as well as providing professional public relations, branding, business development, and positioning tools to start-ups.I'm so excited to have Kara & Sallisha as sponsors on my blog! I love every aspect that they have created and have going on over at LaunchHER. I love buying handmade and I love discovering new Work At ...
Sponsor Spotlight! Sugar Kids Clothing
I'm excited to announce the newest sponsor here! Meet Caroline from Sugar Kids Clothing -Sweet, Simple, Handmade- Want to know a little more about Caroline?Sweet, Simple, Handmade clothing and accessories for the children in your life. Items include; dresses, skirts, bibs, burp cloth’s, blankets, changing pads, hair accessories.You can find Caroline here:Twitter @SugarKids11Facebook - Sugar Kids ClothingI am absolutely in love with her products in her Etsy shop. What is your favorite ...
3 In 30 – Making Goals Reality 3 At A Time
2011 is almost upon us. Have you started thinking about New Yearsí Resolutions? 3 in 30 is a joint-venture between Meghan Tucker {The Tuckers Take Tennessee} and Ashley Pichea {AP Freewriting}, overflowing from our own accountability relationship. We want to encourage and challenge you to accomplish your goals!As lovers of lists, weíve found that our lists can often be overwhelming to the point of not successfully attaining any of our goals. So weíve decided to team up to keep each other ...
It’s Time To Announce…
The winner of the Tommy Nelson Read & Share Christmas Angels book is:Joy Ellis! Congrats! I'll be in touch with you about how to pick up your prize. Thanks to Tommy Nelson for another great giveaway! ...
Easy Way to Keep Your Kids Clothing Organized
Maybe I have a sickness, but organization is therapeutic to me. I get excited anytime I can find a reason to use my label maker and laminator. So, with that said, I came up with an idea to keep the boys clothes organized when we are traveling or when they have their Granna stay with them when my husband and I are gone. photo credit: pat00139 First, I sort what they are to wear into piles in their room. I have each day’s clothes laid out from their hats all the way to socks. Then, I ...
Giveaway: Tommy Nelson Books -Christmas Angels
Another wonderful book to add to your collection. Brought to you by Tommy Nelson Kids, Christmas Angels (Read & Share) is a must read for you and your children during the Christmas season. We receied this book and immediately had to hop on the couch, snuggle up under a blanket and open the book. My 4 year old loved the illustrations. He even said “Mom, this has one of the better illustrations I’ve seen”. Yes, we read lots of books so he is exposed to lots of great illustrations. He also loved ...
Wordless Wednesday: First Snow