When I've mentioned to my family that I'd love to attend a blog conference, their first question is "Why?" My reasons obviously are "To learn more about blogging". But it goes deeper than that. So, I've taken a few days to reflect on why I'd like to go to Blissdom at the Opryland Hotel on January 26-28, 2011.To learn more about blogging (that's a given!)I enjoy administrative stuff online, so I'd love to be more geeky (than I already am! haha!)It's in my town, so why not? It's so close! And ...
Sponsorship Opportunities:
It's that time...time to look for sponsorships to go to the Blissdom Conference here in Nashville, TN.I am a social media geek and know there is SO much more to learn and just thinking about that excites me. Recently I've felt it's time to take my blog to the next level. I have many ideas but know Blissdom would offer so much more help in making those dreams and ideas come to real life. There are so many great opportunities at Blissdom to network and learn more about the blogging world. I love ...
Giveaway: The Rusted Chain
Oh how excited I am to offer this giveaway to you! Do you love The Rusted Chain like I do? Oh my, are you in for a treat today! Get to know The Rusted Chain...The Rusted Chain specializes in unique handstamped jewelry.A bit organic.A bit glamorous.Completely meaningful.Our designs are loved by “real” women like you and me, and celebrities like Deanna Daughtry (wife of artist Chris Daughtry) and Bachelorette Trista Sutter, and actress Candace Cameron Bure.Our jewelry is made up of those ...
Giveaway: Our Daily Chocolate
Another all time favorite store of mine is Our Daily Chocolate. WOW! I want everything in that Etsy.Today, Ashley is giving away a $20 shop credit to her store. There are so many cute things you could get with this store credit. Oh my, the possibilities are endless. Who is Ashley and Our Daily Chocolate?I’m a craftaholic who is addicted to chocolate, shopping and my hubby! I am the owner/creator of Our Daily Chocolate and am the maker of rosebud earrings… I’m a ...
Wordless Wednesday: Fall Family Pictures
Our Winners….
There have been several giveaways here this past week and its time to choose our winners for a couple of them. Drumroll please....1. DaySpring $50 Gift Certificate 2. BabyFansThe winner for the DaySpring giveaway is: Michelle @ Some Girls WebsiteThe winner for the BabyFans giveaway is: Jessica from Muthering Heights ...
Hip Homeschool Hop 11/16/10
REMEMBER...Tonight is the MasterBooks Twitter party! It will be for all Homeschool (and non-homeschool) families who love books and games for their children. It starts at 8pm CST so make sure you're there. Remember to use the hashtag #masterbooks to join in!Fore more details, click here**NEXT WEEK ON OUR HOP**Next week at the HHH...A special (optional) posting topic: Tell us about your Thanksgiving traditions and/or how you're incorporating Thanksgiving into your homeschool ...
Sweet Shot Tuesday: 11.16.10
I love Sweet Shot Tuesday! If you own a camera, you're a photographer. And chances are you own a camera, so why not join in?This shot is of my front porch. It was taken two weeks ago on a sunny, cool, fall day using my Nikon D40. ...