Today I'm linking up with iFellowship ...
Hip Homeschool Hop 10/19/10
Welcome Homeschoolers!Before you link up to the HHH today, take a moment to check out our great resource giveaway with English Grammar Revolution:One lucky winner will receive a copy of the Grammar Revolution Sentence Diagramming Ebook by Elizabeth O'Brien, valued at $19.Diagramming sentences is a wonderful way to teach your homeschool students about the relationship between the parts of speech! If you've ever wanted to incorporate diagramming sentences into your grammar curriculum, or if ...
We Have A Winner –
Congrats to Cindy! She won the giveaway from Half Pint House! Cindy, I'll be in touch with you and thanks again Megan, for doing such an awesome giveaway! ...
Wordless Wednesday: Our New Home
Win It Wednesday: Half Pint House
Another great giveaway today, folks! Do you know @meghandunham? She is the owner of Half Pint House.There are some MAJORLY cute goodies over there - check out a few of her items below.Today we will be giving away a $30 gift certificate over at her shop! One lucky winner can pick anything of their liking and use the $30 gift certificate at Half Pint House.So, how do you win?(Please make a comment for each entry. Also, provide an email address we can contact you at if you should ...
Win It Wednesday: Half Pint House
Another great giveaway today, folks! Do you know @meghandunham? She is the owner of Half Pint House.There are some MAJORLY cute goodies over there - check out a few of her items below.Today we will be giving away a $30 gift certificate over at her shop! One lucky winner can pick anything of their liking and use the $30 gift certificate at Half Pint House.So, how do you win?(Please make a comment for each entry. Also, provide an email address we can contact you at if you should ...
Hip Homeschool Hop 10/12/10
Our friends at Twenty 6 have donated a beautiful friendship bracelet for the giveaway this week.Friends since 7th grade, Andrea and Rachel decided to start a blog/business together. Thinking about their friendship of many years, they decided to call it Twenty 6. This is based on the verse, Proverbs 20:6"Many can say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable?"What is in their Esty Shop?Andrea and Rachel have always been very "girly"! They love feminine ...
Good Girls Don’t Have to Dress Bad, an Interview with Shari Braendel
Cherie from Heart and Soul Reflections is sharing with us today. As a Christian woman, do you find it difficult to find just the right clothes that flatter your coloring, your figure, your budget, and your modesty? You are not alone!I often feel like a "fashionista failure" when I go shopping. I quickly become overwhelmed because I don't know what colors look best, what matches with what, where to find the best fitting jeans, ugh...the list goes on and on!I was at a Hearts at Home ...