YES! It’s true! Charming Charlie hosts private parties and there is one coming up in August for you to join {if you’re in or around the Nashville area!}
My friend and I are hosting it on August 21st from 6-8pm. The store closes at 6pm for the public but will be open for all attending the party until 8pm. The best part? Everything in the store is 20% off and there will be refreshments. This is definitely going to be a fun girls night out.
Here are the details {if you could just RSVP by commenting on this post as soon as you can that would be so helpful as we’re trying to give them a final headcount about a week or so before}
WHAT: Private shopping party at Charming Charlies – Green Hills Mall {everything is 20% off!}
WHEN: Sunday, August 21st from 6-8pm
WHERE: 2126 Abbott Martin Road; Nashville, TN
Would love to come!
I would like to attend the party