I am sure you have all had those days, everything is a struggle, and everyone needs something, or is upset about something or just plain has a bad attitude. There are obstacles all around. We are battered and bruised from life. We are wounded warriors. We can either allow all of that negativity to rub off on us or we can choose to fight! I am not talking about punching your moody teenager in the mouth or smacking your husband for something he has done; or left undone. (not that the thought would ever cross our sweet, loving Christian minds!) I am talking about a different kind of fighting, A spiritual battle, that we must daily fight. You see Satan has come to Steal kill and destroy. God’s word tells us in John 10:10
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.
The “thief” is trying to steal our families and rob us of our Joy. He wants us to stay in a position of defeat so that we think we believe we are incapable of doing anything good for the Lord.
I have been a Christian for many years now and trust me when I say; I have been in this position.
I don’t mean years ago when I was a “new” Christian, I mean recently, like today! There is constantly a battle going on. The “thief” is more than angry that we belong to God’s army.
Satan cannot have our souls if we have been saved and given our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. However, he can wreak havoc all around us, causing distraction, causing all kinds of obstacles and arguments and strife. All of this distracts and takes us away from our calling in God.
During these times of struggle my friends, I call for you to press forward, pray without ceasing, and call on Jesus. When I say pray, it may mean all you can do is say “HELP ME!” .
Sometimes we are called to spend more time in God’s word seeking his wisdom; it may mean removing yourself from relationships that are harmful or setting boundaries that are difficult to set.
We are here to walk out our story with God, we do not journey alone. We have His Spirit living within us. When we are to weary and can’t do anymore, the Spirit of God is ever interceding for you.
And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. 27 And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers[a] in harmony with God’s own will. Romans 8:26-27
Courageous Warriors; although sometimes it seems like we are wounded warriors, and we are limping around dragging ourselves; we have the God of the Universe in our corner!
So precious Child of God, get up! You are NOT defeated, you are a Warrior. The War rages, but we already know who wins, so keep going. You may encounter days, weeks, months or years that are more than just a little challenging.
Learn to lean into your Father’s heart, be still…….. listen to it beating. It pounds solidly with profound and unimaginable love for you… Now lift your heart to Him, He will heal it, piece by Peace; telling your story, weaving your life into a tapestry that is more beautiful to Him than we can ever imagine.
Go live, breathe, find Joy and comfort in Him and then pass that around.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Sometimes He sends us help in flesh; others like you and me who are struggling, hurting and wounded. We can help each other, with a hug, a smile, a prayer, a kind word, a gift, a card, a meal, a look of understanding. We are all the Hands and Feet of Christ walking around in flesh with His Spirit living in us. Choose this day, to do Battle through Prayer, to Love, Listen and Reach out.
I am a wife to a wonderful husband of 19 years, mother to a 16 year old son an 18 year old daughter and 2 small rescue dogs. I have a passion for Christ and for others to know Him. I love sharinng my heart. I want to leave a legacy of love and mercy. When you hurt, I hurt, when you cry, I cry, when you laugh until you pee…..well you get the picture! We are all in this thing together.
Amen! We are His! The enemy cannot steal the souls of God’s children! Such a timely word that all believers need to hear! Definitely something to tweet about!
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, keep fighting!
My youngest daughter is memorizing Joshua 1:9 for Awana – one of my favorite verses!! So nice to meet you through the blog hop!!
Thank you. I love Joshua 1:9. I pull it out from memory at least once a week. I just recently began to publish anything on a blog, so it has helped me take that leap of faith to let others read what God lays on my heart. I love Awana and hope your daughter will hold all the Bible memory verses in her heart for a lifetime to be able to pull out as needed.