Are you looking to connect with your little one more before bedtime and focus on prayer? I Love You to God and Back: A Bedtime Prayer Book is the perfect book to read with your kids at bedtime!
We all love a good bedtime-storm and this one is perfect for teaching your child about prayer as well. What I love about this book is that it starts off silly talking about bedtime routines {brushing teeth, getting more glasses of water, etc} and ends with teaching your child how to pray, love God, and ask him for forgiveness.
Throughout the bedtime rituals, Mommy and Baby giggle as they play a game to describe how much they love each other. This story will make your bedtime routine a real learning experience as well as a bonding time for mommy and child.
Amanda Palmer {the author} has a beautiful book for grown-ups and is the perfect complement to this children’s book – I Love You to God and Back: A Mother and Child Can Find Faith and Love Through Bedtime Prayers
Who would love to win a copy of this children’s book? I have one to giveaway to one of my lucky readers thanks to the folks at Tommy Nelson .

Never forget how much you’re loved by your mommy, daddy & God.
This would be a good way to incorporate prayer into bedtime.
Good night sweathearts. Sleep well. I love you all.
We always say “goodnight sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite, see you in the morning, love you too. Don’t let the silly gilly, gumble bite” my now six year old made that up.
Good night…sleep tight…don’t let the bedbugs bite
We say Love You, Miss You, Sleep Well, Night-Night, Bye Kiss, I Love You Kiss!
Looks like a great little book.
We give mommy kisses and I tell them I love them. If my husband isn’t home I give them daddy kisses too.
I always say, “Sweet Dreams, God Bless!”
I love this! The book looks great.
Our little one is still really young so we just stick with “Night night, love you!” We do however read her a book right before bed and the last phrase is “i love you through and through yesterday today and tomorrow too”.
We give lots of kisses & hugs, say prayers, and sing a few songs. My children always hear “I love you” before bed even though I say it lots during the day.
Good night, I love you, what would you like to eat for breakfast?
I always kiss my Princess on the forehead and say, “I love you.”
Mommy and Daddy love you and most importantly God loves you!
I know I would enjoy reading this one to/with my daughter.
“See you later crocodile!”
“You’re my best friend too.”