“Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.” -James M. Burrie-
It was almost 7 years ago that we made the decision. We had just moved to Nashville and had been church hopping for a good while. We just didn’t find the fit.
We stepped into this church and something felt right. Yes, the door greeters were extremely helpful and friendly and made you feel at home. And yes, the preschool area was amazing. And the worship was intense. Definitely moving. But it was this church’s desire to serve others that really woke us up. This was our home. God had led us here for some reason but we weren’t sure why.
Long Hollow soon became our church home. We attended the Hendersonville campus for several years. While we loved attending our church, it was a good 45 minute drive for us to attend each week. Because of the distance it was hard to get there and back during the week for other activities they had going on and events.
When the word broke out that they were starting a Long Hollow Springfield campus, our ears perked up, we prayed, and felt God leading us to help start the campus here in Springfield. I took on the position as preschool coordinator and fell in love with these sweet children while my husband took on the tech/media coordinator position. And while all these ministries are great, the one real thing that we fell in love with Long Hollow was their love for others. The love for the community around them and world wide.
This past Saturday, Long Hollow held a Serve Saturday. On all campuses, members went out and served the community. Folks in Hendersonville, Gallatin, and Springfield really made an impact on their community. Springfield had over 50 volunteers out in the community at 7am on a Saturday morning raking leaves and doing yard work at the Open Door Pregnancy Center. Folks were cleaning, cooking, and serving meals at The Masters Table. Another team took it as their project to go visit those who don’t have visitors often at Morning Side Assisted Living. They played games, and visited with the residences there. The Bransford Community Building is being remodeled to host after school programs. Lots of our volunteers went there to paint and clean up the grounds.
I loved watching my two older boys {ages 6 and 3} laugh and spend time with the folks at Morning Side. Watching the interaction really brought sunshine to my life. This could be just a once a year outreach that our church does. However, I want more. My boys are begging to go back. They’re asking if we can go out and help others again this week. How can I ignore it?
I can’t.
So, my challenge to myself and you is to reach out, love like Jesus loves and see how you can bless someones life. You’ll be blessed in return. Do you have small kids? Perfect! Take them with you, don’t let that hold you back from reaching your community. Teach them while they are young the real joy of serving others.
Long Hollow Springfield hit the ground running when they opened the campus in the spring of 2012. And I love it. There is such a great need for our community to hear the love of Jesus. Since the doors opened in April, we’ve baptized over 40 people. So many times we get caught up and think that because we live in the Bible Belt that everyone must know about Jesus. That is so far from the truth. There are people just minutes from where we live who need Jesus and we are taking it on as a family to reach out to them, love them, and share Jesus’ love.
“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” – Acts 20:35-
“I’m Owning It”. It’s a saying we have at our church. What does that mean? Instead of talking about something needing to be done, step up, take charge, and make sure it gets done.
We’re going to own a work for God.
Won’t you join us?
Yes and Amen! I am “Owning it” too! We love Long Hollow and the servants heart we all have as a body of Christ. We also love the Tucker family and all the hard work they have put into the Springfield campus! Great words of encouragement. Thank you Meghan.
This brought tears to my eyes! Since we moved to Colorado, we have yet to find a church to serve in, like our old one back in NC. Our children are even missing being in a church to where we can serve! I know God has a church for us, it is just a matter of time of us finding it. So happy you and your family can serve together. Love hearing about children wanting to go visit and serve others! Blessings to you!!
SO glad to hear from you. It’s been too long. How are you?
Yes, it has been too long. Miss our talks! I am doing okay. Hanging in there, adjusting to life out in Colorado. Definitely different living out here in the west than it is in the south! 🙂