As a mom of four children ages 22, 19, 17 and 16 months I figured out I’m going to homeschooling for 35 years! That’s a long time to be thinking about lesson plans and fun, educational learning. But this “second time around” I’ve discovered it’s never to early to start homeschooling.
Seeing the results has made me excited about experiencing learning with our new daughter … and I’ve realized it’s never too early to start. Here are some ways I’ve already started homeschooling 16-month-old Alyssa.

Singing. Alyssa loves to sing! Or rather to hear me sing. Don’t worry about your voice, belt it out, Mama. One evening John and I were driving home from a day trip and Alyssa was getting fussy. We started singing Sunday School songs and nursery rhymes … an hour passed without us repeating one song! Alyssa loved it. Now singing in the car is a tradition.
Signing. We first started teaching Alyssa sign language when she was eight months old. We started with three simple words, “more, milk, and all-done.” We’re adding a few more words every month. (It helps that my college-age daughter Leslie is minoring in sign language in college!) I found some great signing DVDs and books for me to use when Leslie isn’t around.
Chores. Okay, okay at 16-months old I’m not teaching my baby to do the laundry, but there are a few things we do. She helps me carry in items to set the table such as napkins, silverware, and sometimes plastic cups. She helps me pick up toys. She also helps me sweep. I got her a little broom and she does a great job at messing up the dirt pile I’m sweeping up, but that’s okay. I want her to think chores are fun! (This pays off later, I promise!)
Those are just a few ways I’ve started “homeschooling” already. I’ve learned over years that the best thing to do about homeschooling is to make learning part of life. I’m excited to share more learning joy with my daughter as she grows. What are your favorite things to do with your little one?
Tricia Goyer is an author of 26 books, speaker, and homeschooling mom. Find out more about Tricia at
Hi! I am just curious where to buy school supplies, like the big letters for boards, crafts, etc. Thanks for another nice and encouraging post. 🙂
I love this post!! With an almost 11 month old who we plan to homeschool I am always wondering when I should start doing things with him. This post is full of great ideas! My son already loves books and now I’ll be looking into sign language and letter magnets for the fridge! 🙂 Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Baby C just turned Eight months last week. She loves those foam and clothe books too, to chew on of course. Once in a while she’ll let me read them to her. We also like to sing the ABC’s song, rhymes, and I often make up songs. In my old town, the library had so many programs for babies. My new town only has a baby story time once a week. So checking out the neighborhood libraries is a great idea too. Puppets are an awesome way to teach babies and young kids. Baby C laughs all the time when I play with puppets. Thanks for sharing your ideas. I read your posts often!
Great post! I’m already doing many of the same things with my 18-month-old daughter Gracie. She, too, loves to read and help Mama. Just found your blog through Tricia Goyer, and became a follower.
You got me beat! When my homeschooling years are said and done, it will be 24 yrs. You go girl! Happy Homeschooling!