My heart was broken 7 years ago when I visited Uganda. Last week, my heart broke even more. We just got back from a 10 day trip to Uganda. Many of you know my love for the country and it’s people. This trip, my heart was changed even more, and I was challenged and reminded again just how much these people need our love. We live in a world where it’s so easy to get caught up in the rush of life, the things we surround ourself with, and we forget about “the nations”.
People kept asking why we were making the trip or if we had any special project we were doing while we were there. Our answer? “We just want to go and love on the kids and workers at the Nurture Baby Home“ {a baby home in Masaka, Uganda that has partnered with my church, Long Hollow}. Some didn’t understand why we would fly that far to hold babies and play with kids.
We arrived Wednesday afternoon and spent the afternoon getting to know the staff & children at Nurture Baby Home. My eyes were filled with tears as we arrived at the home. I cannot explain the feeling I had when we walked up and the kids came up to greet us.
Beautiful. Each one of them. They greeted us with the biggest smiles and hugs. My heart sank.
Thursday, we arrived at 9am and spent the day with the babies and kids. We did everything – from changing diapers to playing with the babies, to eating lunch with the preschool age kids, to giving bottles to the little babies. My heart was full. I was in my element and I didn’t want to leave.
Friday morning, we sat down with the older kids, and when I say older, I mean the 3-9 year olds and did a craft. We brought the wooden picture frames that you can paint and stickers to decorate the frames with and placed a picture of each child inside the frame.
There was one little boy who didn’t show much expression all week. He had recently been through alot of things no child should experience and it was hard to get him to respond or show any type of excitement over anything. He brought me his decorated picture frame, and I placed his picture inside. He lit up! His smile was so contagious and beautiful! I hugged him and told him he looked “smart” {which there means to look good} and gave him the biggest hug. Again, my heart sank.
What a simple thing we take for granted. Pictures and picture frames. These kids do not have any pictures of themselves. To see the joy on their faces when they finished their project was simply amazing. We walked in their living quarters to see all of them looking at their pictures hanging. It was breathtaking.
We had to say our goodbyes on Friday evening as we were heading to another part of Uganda the next day. What an impression those sweet children made on my heart. Words cannot explain the love I have for the country. Some aren’t called to go. But I ask that you really consider and pray about possibly taking a trip out of the country for missions. Doesn’t have to be Uganda {although I’m biased about that} but anywhere. The connections and relationships you form on the trip and with the people in the country is something you just can’t describe. What a God thing! Pray about “Loving A Lot”.
To follow more stories about missions, check out the Love A Lot blog.

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