As the sun rises in the east, Amazing Grace is playing somewhere in the distance. A rooster is crowing at the daybreak and the land is coming alive. My heart is wrecked and my spirit is broken. But I know I must carry on.
I cannot be frozen with heartache right now. I have to keep traveling on to my sweet angels in Jeremie, Haiti. Yet, God wrecked me to the core last night. He showed me a new level of pain and sadness, my heart broke at the sight of a floor filled with children with Cerebral Palsy. A dozen sweet children with no mommy to scoop them up and give them the special love and care they need. I am grateful for what god is providing for them here, no doubt they face a much worse fate outside the gates of this place.
However, my fleshy heart longs for the love of a mother for them, but I will rest in knowing that they already have the love of the Father.
Meet Ribency.
This sweet little man captured a chunk of my heart during this past Christmas season. I was blessed to be able to spend an evening with him while in Haiti.
It was a short visit but it rocked me to my core and has had me on my knees for him since. I held him and rocked him and rubbed his little forehead. His head weighs as much as his body. He simply wanted to be held and loved. And I sure could have held and loved on him for so much longer than time allowed.
I think of this sweet little guy often, quite often. Sometimes I cry for him. Sometimes I cry for those who aren’t as fortunate as him to have been found and rescued. But everyday I thank God for finding Ribency a home at New Life and allowing us to have this one evening to love each other.
There are many sweet faces at this incredible home. I invite you to visit their page and meet some of them – New Life For Kids
Meet Pamela Ferguson. She is wife to Tony and mommy to two darling kiddos, whom she homeschools. She is a coffee connoisseur and lover of all things crafty. Pamela loves photogaphy and is rarely seen without her camera. She has a heart for missions and Haiti is where she is called to go. Pamela is a grateful believer in Jesus Christ and adores her church family. She is full of life and ready for whatever life throws her way. She is a Pinterest junkie and currently trying to figure out how to be “Pinterest Perfect.”

OH, my heart calls out to these sweet ones! Thank you for sharing!
Second, the green light on the motherboard can help a technician recognize whether the power supply is capable of supplying
power to the computer. You will get over selfishness and become a whole person who is concerned about other people.
For example, Microsoft provides a hotfix to sort out crash,
corruption and inconsistency issues in Microsoft Outlook.