I love working with Nashville based companies and Oreck is one of them! Oreck has a brand new product that I’m so excited to share with you {and yes, when I say share, that means Oreck will be generously giving one away to one of my amazing readers!}
The Oreck AirInstinct 200 Air Purifier is a $499 Air Purifer. To some, this may seem a bit steep in price, but honestly, it’s worth every penny. Why?
Disclaimer: Oreck provided me with an AirInstinct 200 air purifier for free to review. Oreck Corporation provided the prize for this sweepstakes but is not the sponsor of the sweepstakes.
1. You literally can plug it in, turn it on, and walk away. There is no babysitting this puppy! Most air purifiers leave you wondering what speed you should use when, and how long you should leave it on. The AirInstinct 200 Air Purifier does all this for you. Simply press the “Auto” button and it will go from Low to High depending on the allergens in the air in your room at that time. We leave ours on all day and hardly ever turn it off. The only time we have turned it off was when we left to go out of town for a long weekend.
It’s very smart! Its three-stage PATH system reduces odors and captures 99.97% of the particles (as small as .3 microns) from the air that pass through its filters.
2. It’s super quiet. It seems like most air purifiers are extremely loud and disruptive. Not the AirInstinct 200. Being a homeschool family, we are home quite a bit during the day and it never disrupts our school time, family time, or even quiet time in the afternoons.
3. It’s SUPER stylish looking. Who would’ve thought an air purifier would’ve been an addition to your family room decor? Seriously, it’s not huge and with its mood lighting, it really does provide great style.
4. It’s built to last. Oreck backs the AirInstinct 200 with an amazing 5-year limited warranty.
5. It’s a great white noise maker at night. We love sleeping with some white noise in our room and this does just the trick! Each night, we turn it on “Turbo” and its just the right amount of white noise to help you sleep.
Who is ready to win this amazing air purifier? Here we go….
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Watch this short video from Oreck and leave a comment telling me your favorite part.
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Rules and Details: This giveaway is open to US RESIDENTS ONLY. You must be 18 years and older to enter. No duplicate comments. One qualified reader will win a Oreck AirInstinct 200. This giveaway will run from March 14, 2012 through March 20th at 12:01 a.m. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to an email or else a new winner will be chosen. Please leave your email address with each entry. This will be the way I contact you. The winner will be chosen using random.org . Facebook does not sponsor or endorse this giveaway. Facebook is also not affiliated with this blog.
WE HAVE A WINNER! Congrats to Mandi {comment #3 } – You are the winner of the Oreck Air Purifier
My favorite part of the video? Hmmm, I guess I liked the pretty little hearts at the end. 🙂
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Did I do this right? If not, I apologize!!!
I love all the nashville spots featured in the video!
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I really enjoyed the cinematography of the film. Not what you would expect for a video about an Oreck.
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And I didn’t put an “n” at the end of my name earlier. Oops.
I loved that the Oreck commercial was done at The Frist!
I love Oreck. Not because I have one but because my MIL does (maybe some day for us), and it’s awesome! Thanks!!!
My favorite part was the Orek sitting in the center of the floor in the round circle.
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Thanks for the great review and giveaway!
My fave part of the video is where the purifier is standing in the area where camera spans out and it says “Will the Circle Be Unbroken” around the columns. Reminds me of an old hymn my grandmother used to sing while she was still living.
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I liked the Nashville scenes and where the Oreck is up in front of the microphone.
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Fav part of video. Well… If the air purifier took the hockey player smell out of that locker room, I’m sold!
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My favorite part of the video was the microphone.
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I really love the music used in this video, and the shots of the Preds equipment.
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My favorite part of the video… the scenery! It was beautiful. Makes me want to visit Nashville! 🙂
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I liked the part in the concert hall 🙂
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I Like all the scenes from Nashville, the part in the Hockey locker room was pretty cool
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I loved the part where the product was in front of the mic at Legends. 🙂
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I liked when it was in the locker room
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It seems like that i have been here too late,whatever I would like to pay attention to the Oreck AirInstinct air purifier in the future. on this website: http://www.vipairpurifierreviews.com
I love this product. this air purifier has made my indoor air clean and pure.