This week's giveaway is for a $30 gift certificate to Shop Gussy. (Ends 8/5/10 at 9pm CST)All baby blankets are exempt from this giveaway credit. So, who wants to win?A little about Gussy - Gussy is a colorful line of ruffled accessories. Each ruffle is machine sewn free-hand style, making each ruffle unique. About 18 months ago I sat down at my kitchen table -- I wanted to learn how to sew. And here I am now, offering zipped pouches of all sizes, laptop bags, ...
Hip Homeschool Hop -8/3/10
It's here! It's finally here! Hip Homeschool Hop is underway! So, let's not waste anytime and start linking up. <a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Photobucket" src="" /></a><br />What's Involved?1. Place the Hip Homeschool Hop button on your blog or somewhere where we know you're a regular - help share the love!2. "Like" Hip Homeschool Moms on Facebook by clicking here3. ...
It’s Launch Time – Almost.
Just 3 more days until Hip Homeschool Moms officially launches! I cannot believe the outstanding number and responses so far from all of you. Truly amazing!If you aren't sure who Hip Homeschool Moms are, check us out on Facebook. Join in the fun and lets encourage and make friendships this year. It's almost that "back to school" time and I know many have questions, alot need encouragement and thats what we're all here to do as Homeschool Moms. So, whats going on this coming week? LOTS of ...
And Our Winner Is…
Congrats to Flip Flops & Pearls!flip flops and pearls said...27I "liked" you on FB. {follower} ...
It’s Giveaway Time For Hip Homeschool Moms
**WINNER: @KatyLMA you have won! Sue (@homeschoolsue) has emailed you. We cannot wait to see what you decide on. CONGRATS!All you Hip Homeschool Moms, or anyone who would like to win this, join in the fun! We're giving away one tee from The Homeschool Boutique today. Entries must be in by 8pm CST on Tuesday. July 27th, 2010.So, how do you win? (With each entry, please comment and leave your email address)*Leave a comment here stating what you'd pick out if you won.*Follow Hip Homeschool Moms on ...
Scripture Saturday: Hebrews 13:5
"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."Hebrews 13:5 ...