Tori said... 9 I follow you on twitter - mommatori82vrtheriot@gmail.comCONGRATS TORI! ...
Another Award? Wow!
This is my 2nd award this week. WOW! You guys are so awesome. It's all because of you!I received this award from my good friend Alicia. Make sure you go check out her blog!The following 10 bloggers have made a huge impact on me in the past month or so. Its a blessing to call them friends and I've learned so much from them. I hope you are blessed as much as I have been by them. 1. SomeGirl'sWebsite2. Really, Are You Serious?3. The Reese Family Chronicles4. Girlfriends Get Real5. Our ...
Summer Family Fun Tuesdays
I found this new bloghop today and I'm so excited to join!Some of the fun things we've been doing this summer are shown below in pictures. Take a look.Exploring OutsideVisiting the BiltmorePlaying in the pool!Making crafts at VBSToy Story 3 - 3D ...
Social Saturday – Guest Blogger- 29LincolnAvenue
I have been thinking a lot about stories. Specifically, the story my children will tell about me when they are older. The story they will tell their children. This is my legacy.I am reading a book called The Story Factor by Annette Simmons. She says, "Other methods of influence - persuasion, bribery, or charismatic appeals - are push strategies. Story is a pull strategy." See I want to live my life in such a way to pull my kids to Jesus. Not push them. I want my life to ...
The Home Engineer: What Makes A Good Mom?
We all try to do it all. But sometimes when we try to do it all and accomplish everything, we get lost in what it really means and takes to be a good mom. Here is a short list of things I keep posted as a reminder of what it means to really be a good mom. 1. Ignore the experts (most of the time). There is TONS of info out there (internet, tv, other parents, magazines, etc). I think there is too much actually. While some of it is great information, most of it means squat when it comes to you ...
Social Saturday: Guest Blogger Montessori Write
Should I Homeschool in the Summer?Do you homeschool in the summer? Should you homeschool in the summer? How can you homeschool in the summer? These questions are always floating around at this time of year, as regular schools are starting to let out. It has to be an individual decision made by each family, based on their schedule and needs.My opinion is that a highly structured, full-time program for children can be reserved for the “regular school year,” but that learning doesn't have to stop. ...