This is by far our favorite CD out of all the Seeds Family Worship CD’s. Seeds of Character really does a great job at letting children {and adults} understand more about what God says about building our Character in HIM. It’s the Holy Spirit in us that makes us more like him. My boys have listened to this CD over and over and we can’t get enough of it! Because of Seeds Family Worship, I have memorized more scripture and I love it just as much as my kids. Its so encouraging!
And here is my favorite part about Seeds Family Worship, with each CD, they give you an extra CD in the packaging….one to give away to a family member, friend, or stranger who you think would love it as much as you do!
Who is Seeds Family Worship? “Seeds Family Worship is dedicated to planting the Seeds of God’s Word in the hearts of families through its Scripture songs with the goal of equipping and encouraging them in God’s Word.”
Here are the scriptures that can be found on the Seeds of Character album. Our favorite? It’s a tie between More Than Conquerors, Teach Them, and Put on Love.
- More Than Conquerors (Romans 8:37)
- The Wages and The Gift (Romans 3:23 & 6:23)
- The Life (John 14:6, I John 5:11-12)
- The Fruit (Galatians 5:16 & 22)
- Delight (Psalm 1)
- Teach Them (Deuteronomy 6:4-7)
- The Perfect Example (John 13:12-17)
- Children and Fathers (Ephesians 6:1-4)
- Put On Love (Colossians 3:12 & 14a)
- The Character Song (Romans 5:1-5)
- Give Thanks (Psalm 105:1-5)
- The Only Way (The New Testament Song)
Watch just how cool Seeds Family Worship LIVE is – see if they are coming to a city near you!
Listen to Jason talk about the new album – Seeds of Character
Now on to the giveaway….This giveaway, one lucky winner will receive a copy of Seeds of Character (volume 6) for their family as well as a copy to give to another family. Will that be you? Read the guidelines & enter!
Giveaway Guidelines:
*You must be a follower via Google Friend Connect to enter this giveaway*
1. Each entry must have your email address included. If its not in your entry, and you’re the lucky winner, a new winner will be chose.
2. This giveaway ends 6/3 at 9pm CST – all entries must be in before.
3. If you are the lucky winner, you have 48 hours to respond to my email. A new winner will be chosen if we do not hear back from you within that 48 hours.
4. Winner will be announced on The Tuckers Take Tennessee Facebook page, so make sure to “like” and check to see if you’re the winner!
- Who would you give the extra copy of the CD to if you won?
- Follow Seeds Family Worship on Twitter
- “Like” Seeds Family Worship on Facebook
- Subscribe to this blog via email or RSS.
- “Like” The Tuckers Take Tennessee on Facebook
- Tweet about this giveaway: “Enter to win 2 copies of the Seeds of Character CD with @meghantucker and @seedsworship #homeschool #christianmoms “
I would share with a friend of ours. They love music and singing just as much as we do. 🙂 Thank you for this giveaway
I followed Seeds of worship on Twitter. 🙂
I would give it to my cousin for her 5 yr old to enjoy ~ They are going to start homeschooling this year also!
bamagv at aol dot com
I like you on FB
bamagv at aol dot com
I’d probably give the extra copy to a family at church who has five kids – the kids would love it!
ashley at ashleypichea dot com
I follow SEEDS on Twitter
ashley at ashleypichea dot com
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ashley at ashleypichea dot com
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ashley at ashleypichea dot com
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ashley at ashleypichea dot com
I tweeted!
ashley at ashleypichea dot com
We would share the CD with our 3 favorite little friends who love singing and dancing and learning more than any other little ones I’ve met!
lemolettiere (at) gmail (dot) com
We follow Seeds of Worship on Twitter (@SigningwithLara) lemolettiere (at) gmail (dot) com.
Tweeted it! @SigningwithLara lemolettiere (at) gmail (dot) com
I would give the extra copy to my niece and nephew, they would love it!
I subscribe to your blog! Thanks for he chance to win!
I would give a copy to one of our sweet, fellow seminary families. We heart free stuff 😉
tweeted! @mama_monkey
i follow Seeds Worship on Twitter
I would give the extra copy to our Children’s Minister
I follow Seeds on Twitter
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By the way Commentluv doens’t seem to be working. It attached someone else’s post to my comment above
I would share the extra cd with my family. My niece and nephew would love this cd just as much as my kiddos would.
oops, my email is
I follow seeds of faith on Twitter
I like Seeds of Faith on facebook
I would give a copy to my friend that has twin two-and-a-half-year olds. Her boys love music, and their family is about to go into the ministry.
I’d give it to my neighbors across the street, because they love Seeds almost as much as us!
I would give the extra cd copy either to my brother or to my sister-in-law. They are both Christ followers and have children.
mandinav at aol dot com
I follow Seeds Family Worship on Twitter as @stblessings
mandinav at aol dot com
I like Seeds Family Worship on Facebook as Mandi Navarre Eschenbach
Mandinav at aol dot com
I subscribe to your blog via email
I like Tuckers Take Tennessee on Facebook as Mandi Navarre Eschenbach
Mandinav at aol dot com!/stblessings/status/75984742616539136
I tweeted the giveaway
mandinav at aol dot com
I would give an extra copy to my new friend who is having trouble with keeping her family “on track”, esp when it comes to behavior/manners, with her husband deployed.
raeburk01 at yahoo dot com
I would share my extra CD with my dear friend who has a blended family of 5 with another on the way!!!
kwhorton(at) bellsout (dot) net
I followed Seeds Family Worship on FB.
raeburk01 at yahoo dot com
I liked them on FB
kwhorton(at) bellsout (dot) net
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kwhorton(at) bellsout (dot) net
I subscribe to your blog.
kwhorton(at) bellsout (dot) net
I follow Seeds Family Worship on Twitter
marcee dot rodgers at gmail dot com
I like Seeds Family Worship on FB
marcee dot rodgers at gmail dot com
I like The Tuckers Take Tennessee on FB
marcee dot rodgers at gmail dot com
I Tweeted about the giveaway!/MERodgers/status/76032779359502336
marcee dot rodgers at gmail dot com
I would give the extra copy to a Homeschooling friend back home that goes w/o a lot of the time.
marcee dot rodgers at gmail dot com
I subscribe via RSS
marcee dot rodgers at gmail dot com
Would it be OK if I gave the extra copy away on my blog? LOL. I might do that.
Following Seeds on FB: Cindy Dyer
Following Seeds on Twitter @getalonghome
I’m an rss subscriber.
I like you on FB: Cindy Dyer
Following you with GFC
whoops. Forgot to say that I would give away my extra copy to my homeschooling friend with 6 great kids.
I like Seeds Family Worship on fb
I am subscribed to your blog by e-mail
I liked Tuckers Take Tennessee on fb too
We’d love this for our family travels, and I’d give my copy to a fellow homeschool family of 6!
I love this giveaway! I’d give the extra CD to the leaders of our church’s worship band – they’ve just decided to homeschool their daughter. Onto Facebook to “Like” both your page and the Seeds of Worship page!
I tweeted!/nicoleg0828
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