I have been thinking a lot about stories. Specifically, the story my children will tell about me when they are older. The story they will tell their children. This is my legacy.
I am reading a book called The Story Factor by Annette Simmons. She says, “Other methods of influence – persuasion, bribery, or charismatic appeals – are push strategies. Story is a pull strategy.” See I want to live my life in such a way to pull my kids to Jesus. Not push them. I want my life to draw them closer to Him.
So how do I do that exactly? The key for me, is to passionately pursue God through His Word, having a prayer life that is rich both inside and outside the prayer closet, and being in a small group of women who both challenge me and hold me accountable to doing the two things I mentioned previously.
About a year ago, I completed a 3 year covenant I made with 12 other women called Becoming Like Christ. We read, we studied The Word, we prayed, and we cried. A lot. Mostly though, we shared our lives around the table. I loved it. Recently, I found myself desiring once again to go deeper and have some company along the way. So, even though I am a wife, mother of 4 children under the age of 10, home school, and write my own blog, I started another group. See, for me, the story has to be told with a supporting cast around me. Otherwise, my character falls short of the one I know God is writing me to be. The following verses speak to my heart today:
Hebrews 10:23-25:
23Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; 24and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,
25not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
What about you? What helps you to hold fast and not waver? How is your story pulling your kids to Jesus?
Looking Forward,
If you stop by 29lincolnavenue you will meet me, Stacey. I am the wife of Mike, a motorcycle riding techno genius, who has served with Campus Crusade for Christ for the past 17 years. Together, we are raising four vibrant girls ages 7 months to 10 years. Most days, I try to teach them a thing or two about having loving Jesus, having a Biblical worldview, math and language. Everyday, they teach me how to grow in grace, patience and my dependence on the Lord! I love the Word of God and connecting with women. The name for my blog came from the home where I spent most of my growing up years. I was born and raised in a small town. It is part of who I am. Today, living far from that small town, I am continually reminding myself to look forward to what truly matters. My blog is about the journey between those two places. I hope you stop by often and are encouraged!
What a blessing to find out about Stacey! I just signed up to get her blog.
you might want to join Janna at piggytales.. she is having a 15 post series you write to your children about your childhood…like alegacy…check it out…
I am following Stacey too! Love her blog. I like the idea of the story being a "pull"…Jesus knew that, that's why he used those parables all the time. 🙂
hip hip hooray – Stacey is an amazing endless well of wisdom! I adore her! And not just because we're IRL friends, but because she is THE REAL DEAL!!
I have ended up at your blog 3 times today for various reasons. I loved this one, probably because I raised 4 children myself and spent a lot of time on my knees trying to figure out how to do that and how to make sure that they were directed towards God. Now that they are grown, I can say that they all have their own relationship with God and it is a beautiful testimony to God's grace and guidance. I almost always felt inadequate as a mom and often felt a need to dig deeper. But God is so faithful to His Word and His Word will not return to Him void but will accomplish what it is sent forth to accomplish. Keep teaching and living His Word and He will do the rest.