Lot’s of people know about this little guy. He’s the Elf on the Shelf. People have nicknames for him and your kids find him in the strangest places all over the house during the month of December. He’s a huge hit in many households.
But not in ours. {yes, I just said that}
No, I’m not all bah-humbug, we have LOTS of fun at our house and have lots of great memories each Christmas. We have many traditions, but this isn’t one of them. Why?
- It runs completely counter to what Joe and I are trying to teach our children….which is to do the right thing no matter what, no matter who is looking at you, and no matter how you feel.
- We hate the “naughty or nice” concept. “Ok children, if this Elf catches you being bad or doing something you shouldn’t, then he’ll tell Santa and you won’t get any presents.” Really, do the kids not get presents if they act out? No, Santa brings presents no matter what. So, to us, that is a threat. We don’t threaten our children.
- We do Santa, but we don’t do the “Naughty or Nice” aspect of Santa. We never have {and never will} threaten to take away our childs Christmas present based on their behavior.
- The real meaning of Christmas isn’t about gifts. Our culture has gotten so far from the real meaning of Christmas, and we feel this little Elf helps take that away.
- We don’t bribe our kids to do the regular things they should be doing.
No, our kids aren’t perfect – absolutely not. What do we do when one of our kids disobeys and acts out? They are disciplined according to what they have done. If they have been mean to a sibling or friend, the relationship is restored and a consequence will be taken {not taking away gifts, but something actually meaningful}.
I hope that our family traditions have ALL to do with a wonderful promise from Jesus. We focus on Advent and love making our way through Truth in the Tinsel: an Advent Experience for Little Hands. I really encourage you to check out this resource. My friend Amanda created it with kids ages preschool through elementary to fully understand the real meaning of Christmas.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. – Isaiah 9:6-
Meghan my children didn’t have elf on the shelf when they were growing up but I did this: http://cyndispivey.com/2011/12/02/my-christian-version-of-the-elf-on-the-shelf/
Thought you might like it!
Very interesting Cydni – thank you so much for stopping by!
I love the Truth in the Tinsel advent and plan on doing it again this year … hopefully with a bit more preparation this year. We don’t really do the naughty and nice thing either … but I’m not sure that it’s because we have purposely thought through it. Our kids are 3 & 2 and naughty and nice isn’t something that they could grasp in past years. However, I love that you have been so intentional with your kids regarding all of it and it’s an inspiration to a young mom to do the same. I truly want M&H to know the true meaning of Christmas and want them to understand the meaning of grace … not naughty and nice. The past two years we have done the Elf on the Shelf [just hiding it … not so much the “he’s watching you will tell Santa” part]… and I probably will continue to hide him in random places and let the kids search for him in the mornings … but just because it’s fun and they like to find him. But thanks for the words because they are something for me to prayerfully consider when thinking about our Christmas traditions and the words that I use to and around my kiddos.
Thank you for this post! It really made me think (now as a new parent) how traditions we start early in her life can guide and teach our daughter.
Our elf is just fun and a bit mischievous. No reporting to Santa. We just have our do fun things like having a smores party, or swinging in the Christmas tree.I have seen the movie and read the book, perhaps I should read it again, for those aspects were not on my radar, and it has been a while
I do, However, respect your choices.