We all try to do it all. But sometimes when we try to do it all and accomplish everything, we get lost in what it really means and takes to be a good mom. Here is a short list of things I keep posted as a reminder of what it means to really be a good mom.
1. Ignore the experts (most of the time). There is TONS of info out there (internet, tv, other parents, magazines, etc). I think there is too much actually. While some of it is great information, most of it means squat when it comes to you and your family. Why? Because only you know what is best for you and your family. No expert or other parent can tell you HOW to run things and why they WILL work best for you. You have to figure that out on your own. Now, trying the tips of some of these that have had experience? Most definitely. But don’t ONLY go by their advice. Use your gut, use your intuition.
2. Love, Love, and more Love! You cannot love a child enough. And no, that doesn’t mean spoiling. Your child doesn’t have to have everything in the world and the newest and latest thing to be “loved”. Love isn’t being their best friend, but being their parent. Show love by hugging, kissing on the cheek, give positive reinforcement ALOT, tell them you love them, care for them properly, hold them, discipline, raise them right…the list could go on and on. All of these are traits of love. You cannot do these enough. You cannot over love!
3. Start your day off with inspiration or quiet time. We all need it. Every mom needs “her” time to focus on what she has going on in the day, spend in devotion, or quiet time. When your children see and know you do this as a part of your daily routine, they will most likely follow in your footsteps. Any amount of time is fine – even if its just a minute. You need to start your day off refreshed.
4. Practice Patience. Being patient is one of the best things you can do for yourself as well as your child. You wont ever conquer this but you can try to do better at it each day. Catch yourself before you overreact and be slow to anger. Be patient with your little one – they are trying to figure out the world and you are their biggest role model. The more you are patient, the less stressed you and your family will be.
5. Organize it! Everyone loves organization and schedules. Some are better at it than others. But “try” to be organized and set a schedule for your family. You’ll see awesome results quickly! Surround yourself and learn from those who are organized and follow a schedule for their families. Get some tips from them and create your own.
6. End your day again with inspiration or quiet time. Reflect on your day, pray, journal about what you did and what you could improve on. You’ll go to sleep less stressed and ready to end the day.
this is a GREAT post friend! Love "home engineer"!
Meghan, I am not a mom (hopefully some day) but I think these words of advice can serve as a gentle reminder to most of us about many of life's situations! Thanks for the daily inspiration 🙂 (And for finding my blog!)
Awesome tips! I think this one should be hung next to the family rules! 😉 Thanks for the great post!
Awesome post Meghan!
Thanks for the wonderful tips! Love to stop by and read what you have to share. My days go so much better when I start and end my days in the Word.
Great post! Stopping by from ifellowship.
Great way to start iFellowship Wednesday! I think the advice about taking time for ourselves each day is so important. It’s too easy to get caught up in everything that needs to be done, but taking time can make everything better
I'm so locking this advise away for when we have kids! Stop by our blog…there's something there for you! 😉 http://www.livelaughloveourway.com/2010/06/new-award-and-apology.html
These are great words of advice!! It is so easy to get caught up in the little things of being a "home engineer" and it's good to sit back and take a look at it!
Great list! I'm loving every single one of these.