It’s funny when people first hear you are going to be a new mommy all they want to tell you about is how amazing it’s going to be. They tell you how incredible being a mom is and how fabulous it’s going to be holding that sweet new squishy baby. And it is. It’s an insane miracle and blessing to be a mommy. Please don’t misunderstand what I am going to say, but in the beginning I wish someone had sat me down and said “While this is going to be so insanely amazing, it’s going to push you to your limits, and once you reach your limits you are going to feel like you were hit by a semi while running an Ironman race on 2 hours of sleep with NO training.” Where in the world was the friend who loved me enough to sit me down and tell me that mommas, mommas have some drama.
The shocking truth about motherhood…….it’s different for all of us mommas.
I was shocked that first time I picked the paci up off a dirty store floor, sucked it clean and popped it back in my screaming baby’s mouth. I was equally shocked at how long I could actually go without a shower and still pull off looking semi normal on 3 hours of sleep. And recently I was shocked to find myself hiding in the closet to eat a bag of Raisinets because I didn’t want to share! No. No I didn’t want to share. Haha! And really……I wish someone would have told me that I would never get to potty in privacy again. And let me just be real, there have been days I don’t like my little people so much. I love them, adore them and thank God for them every day. BUT the reality is that somedays they can push me to the brink of pure insanity with a slice of psycosis. They are great kids, don’t get me wrong, but mood swings and melt downs are not exclusive to those on the 3rd floor of the phych wing.
You know it’s funny all the “self help mommy books” that I own, I’d be completely put together if I actually found time to read and apply all the great info. As for great info, all you really have to do is mention you have an “issue” to another mom and she will offer up a plethora of advice as to how to solve your dilemma. Funny thing is that not all children are the same and what works for one doesn’t always work for the other. And there are always the things I thought I would do when I became a mom one day. I think we set ourselves up for disappointment with a long list of expectations and pressures on ourselves. It starts with “I am not going to have an epidural, I can do this birthing thing all natural.” Next thing you know, that 30 inch needle is deep in your spine and while the pain is gone for the moment, you’ll beat yourself up for it later. Then there’s the “my child will never sleep in my bed with us”.Uh huh. After about a week of crazy interupted sleepless nights, you will find your sweet baby smack in the middle of your blissful sleep. It all starts with the pressures we as mommas place on ourselves in our attempt to raise happy healthy and fabulous little people of the next generation. But here’s the reality, stop pressuring yourself. Motherhood looks different from all angles in many ways, to me that’s the beauty of motherhood. We are all doing it differently but expecting and praying for generally the same results.
I had to take a breath and take to heart that God gave me my sweet babies because I am just the momma they need, I am THE best one for the job. And an unsanitized paci or an epidural or co-sleeping isn’t going to ruin my little people.
Being a mommy is THE greatest blessing and the MOST difficult job , and it is worth every single moment.
Meet Pamela Ferguson. She is wife to Tony and mommy to two darling kiddos, whom she homeschools. She is a coffee connoisseur and lover of all things crafty. Pamela loves photogaphy and is rarely seen without her camera. She has a heart for missions and Haiti is where she is called to go. Pamela is a grateful believer in Jesus Christ and adores her church family. She is full of life and ready for whatever life throws her way. She is a Pinterest junkie and currently trying to figure out how to be “Pinterest Perfect.”
Amen! Nobody tells how hard motherhood really is (or you just don’t get it) before you are a mom yourself. I was surprised at all the things I said I would never do and then did them. Ha! And sometimes I look back and think, maybe I should have done something differently. But I pray that God guides me to be the best mom He wants me to be.
I felt like a horrible mother because everyone told me how wonderful little babies are and I was overwhelmed. I didn’t have the fall in love at first sight moment with my kids. I thought something was wrong with me. Of course I got to know each of my babies and fell in love with all three of them. Finally an older mom shared with me that she felt the same way too. Even though they can drive me crazy sometimes I wouldn’t trade my kids for anything.
This is such a great letter – and my closet and I have some great quiet moments together – basking in chocolate!