We are anxiously gearing up for our homeschool year starting early fall. Come September 6th, we will be starting Kindergarten in this house! I have a sister who has been homeschooling for almost 10 years and homeschools all 6 of her children. She’s talked and talked about different curriculums every year and what she has put together herself. We have lots of friends who homeschool and hearing them talk about curriculum really had us scratching our heads as to what we were going to use for my son during his Kindergarten year. There is SO much out there! It’s almost overwhelming for some {myself included} because you want to get it right {or as close to right as you can} and have your childs learning style included as well as equip them with all you the tools and resources you can.
We attended our first homeschool convention in March and went through each booth in the exhibit hall looking and checking out and chatting with all the vendors.
We kept going back to Heart of Dakota over and over and loved it even more each visit to their booth. So, we both agreed we thought this was best for our kindergartener. Little Hearts for His Glory we’ll be starting with in the fall. We chose this to go along with the Beyond Little Hearts {which we will use for 1st grade} extended reading choices. Our 5 year old is extremely advanced in reading so we wanted to encourage his reading even more by taking him to the next level.
Why did we choose Heart of Dakota?
1. We loved their idea behind their curriculum.
“Heart of Dakota strives to publish Christ-centered homeschool curricula that is easy to use, flexible, and educational and can also be used with multiple ages at the same time. Our desire is to help homeschool teachers have a successful experience from the very beginning, while keeping God’s Word at the heart of their children’s academic training.”
2. The authors behind this curriculum are amazing. We got to spend quite a bit of time with them and learning more about them, their resources, their families, and why they make this curriculum so amazing.
3. My sister uses this with her children and can’t say enough good things about it. She’s been around the block a few times as far as curriculum goes and I trust her thoughts on homeschool curriculum and resources.
4. I like that I can buy something for my soon to be pre-schooler that he will enjoy and I know he’ll be reaping all there is to know as a pre-schooler. Check out the Little Hands to Heaven curriculum for ages 2-5 year olds.
5. The message boards are so helpful. Got a question for the authors, or other families using this curriculum? Maybe you want to help someone who is thinking about using this curriculum or just started. The support you find on the messages boards is outstanding.
6. I like that each lesson is already planned out for you. No need to use an additional planner {unless you’re like me and love to have it all in calendar style} for your homeschool. No preparing is needed for each lesson. Just a skim through would work. This is definitely good for the families who are on the go alot or for the parent who isn’t a big organizer or planner. Just open up the book and start your school day.
7. The devotional book for wives, moms, and keeper of the homes. So inspiring! A great read for your early morning quiet time, Moms!
8. When you contact Heart of Dakota, you get an immediate response. If not within a few hours, usually by the end of the work day hours. So many companies you have to wait several days {if not weeks} before you get a response.
9. The authors were teachers for quite some time before becoming homeschool moms, so they know first hand what your child should be learning and when. They understand the importance to let your child succeed in different areas while picking up the skills that are more difficult for them in other areas.
10. Their catalog. Enough said. Its my favorite read. Even though I am not in the market for any of the curriculum right now, I love thumbing through the catalog. Request your FREE catalog now.
I’m linking up with Top 10 Tuesday.
You’ve made a great choice! And I don’t think you will regret it! 🙂 I have been using HOD since my son was in 1st, and we will be going into our 4th year with this awesome curriculum!! Each year I re-evaluate what we are using, and think about just piecing everything together one my own – but I would end up practically choosing the same exact things that are in HOD (but would have to write my own lesson plans). Silly, silly thinking. I have found a great thing in HOD, and I plan to stick with it! WE love it!
We just decided to order their catalog to check out their preschool program. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about them!!
We will begin homeschooling in August and we also chose Heart of Dakota. A friend of mine uses it, and had great things to say. I like that the days/lessons are already planned- which I thought would be good for a newbie! I also like that it is Christ-centered. That was our main reason for choosing to homeschool, to draw closer & learn more about Jesus. My daughter will be a 2nd grader, and if all goes well I will be using HOD for my son who will be a kindergartener next year. Good luck!
It has been awhile since I looked into it. If it had been more large family, everyone can use it based, we would have chosen it. I am excited for you!!
Sounds like you found a great curriculum for your family. I hope you all enjoy it a lot.
Thanks for all the details! We’re a couple of years out from buying curriculum for our homeschooling needs, but I’m stockpiling information now!
I think this is what I’ll use with my daughters next year. I’m still confused on HOW to combine (or not) and what packages are needed, but I’m researching. Thanks for your review.