It’s almost here! Time to start thinking about Christmas!
We’ve already watched the new Veggie Tales Christmas DVD, Merry Larry & the True Light of Christmas and my boys LOVED it! Anything Veggie Tales related, they love, but this was over the top for them! One of their favorite things about it? It features the voice if Si Robertson of Duck Commander as Silas the Okra.
Take a look at the trailer:
I’m excited to be starting off the holiday season a little early with Veggie Tales! Here are the details.
WHEN: Tuesday, October 22nd at 2pm CST
WHERE: {however, I usually use or TweetChat.comto join in on parties. It’s easier to keep up with, as these parties sometimes move fast. Use the hashtag #MerryLarry to join in}
WHO: Everyone is invited! I really do hope you’ll join us! Make sure you’re followingMeghanTucker and VeggieTales on Twitter.
PRIZES: No on to the fun stuff! Who is ready to win some awesome prizes? What will we be handing out?
*4 copies of Merry Larry & The True Light of Christmas DVD
*GRAND PRIZE: Veggie Tales Ultimate Christmas Box DVD Set & a copy of the book, Veggie Tales Christmas Countdown.
New to Twitter parties? Here’s how you can join in – just click here. I’m so excited to see you there!
Please RSVP to this party by leaving a comment on this post about what your favorite Christmas tradition is.

RSVP @sleatham1
My favorite Christmas tradition is our Christmas Cantata at church! Fave family tradition is the entire family eating at Grandma’s house Christmas Eve…all 30 of us!
My favorite tradition is baking gingerbread cookies with the kiddos and leaving some with a glass of milk for Santa
rsvp @sweetmatcha / @sweetmatchajail
rsvp @centralFLgal or @centralFLgaljL
my favorite is getting the christmas tree out ans the family decorate it together
Our favorite Christmas tradition is spending Christmas Eve at my grandparents farm with family ..
Our favorite Christmas tradition is the Secret Santa exchange we do and opening presents at midnight Christmas Eve. RSVP @mandarin831
RSVP @PlumSage Our favorite tradition is opening presents on Christmas Eve and at my parents house. The families keep getting bigger and their house does not. It is alot of fun and good times with laughter and great food.
We like to put all of our Xmas books under the tree and read one each night @eseattlemama
RSVP @MOMishStyle or @MOMishStyleJail
Favorite family tradition is decorating tree while watching Christmas movies!
Dinner with my family on Christmas Eve!
RSVP @matthewsmommy
rsvp @pryfamily5
my favorite part is going to the Christmas Eve service at church
I love baking cookies with my kiddos on Christmas eve to leave under the tree.
twitter RSVP @rsj2000mrs
rsvp @mellanhead and I love driving around and seeing the lights with the kids
RSVP @sweetsaver_68 or @sweetsaver_68ja
Just having my whole family together!
RSVP @wrightholl
reading twas the night before christmas with the whole family
RSVP @macritcor
Christmas Eve Dinner @thiscantbereal
My favorite Christmas tradition is when all the family comes down, the family that you only get to see a few times a year, and we all go to our church’s Christmas eve service. It’s wonderful getting to do that as a family!
RSVP @mrs_riot1
RSVP @lorikeet8
RSVP @lorikeet8 can’t wait to chat!
rsvp @windmill_cat Fave tradition is going to Christmas Eve mass and then ordering a pizza!
Christmas dinner with family.
@09jojo09 rsvp Our favorite tradition is skyping my mom and making ornaments together its a little way our family stays connected through the hoilidays
We love opening one gift each on Christmas Eve!
My daughter’s birthday is a week before Christmas so, the festivities last longer. We love to catch the arrival of Santa at different locations in town, we watch The Polar Express over and over. The Christmas holidays are a beloved holiday around our home.
Opening one gift on christmas eve @AdrienBeatty
Rsvp @vinessavasquez
Rsvp @dfalln1
Favorite Christmas tradition is seeing all my family and friends
Christmas tradition is putting chocolate in a calendar for each dy leading to Christmas